Bottom Bracket Bother

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Hi all, long time reader first time poster!

I was replacing my bottom bracket today for the first time. I'm sure the bruising and swelling in my thumb will settle down soon :whistle:.

The problem I had was that the old bottom bracket had the collar screw in on the chain side of my bike with the bracket going in on the other side. However the collar on the replacement bracket I have will only catch the thread on the chain side of my bike.

My first thought was that the collar had been machined wrongly as the bracket itself screwed in OK from either side. I went back to the shop and got a replacement bracket but this has the same issue.

Anyway, I pressed on with the collar on the 'wrong' side and rebuilt the bike. My question is, other than having to make some adjustments to the front derailleur is there any issues I could encounter from having my bike set up like this?

Thanks in advnace for your help.

The Bottom Bracket should fit on the Drive (chain) side and t'other bit (collar?) on the non drive side. Bit concerened that the BB itself will fit either side, it shouldn't do that, left and right hand threads dont match. Wonder if the old ones been forced in, the threads are very fine and it is possible to crossthread it.
Keep an eye on it as you ride. If it starts to come loose.........:blush:


Thanks for the reply Rusty B. That makes sense with the left/right hand threads. I will have to strip it down and tighten it all up properly anyway so I'll recheck it. Couldn't do this yesterday due to the pain in my thumb (from when the spanner slipped and my thumb got caught between it and the frame xx().
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