On Friday my Doctor suggested that I take two weeks off exercise of any kind to help the half dozen injuries I have over my body recover. I'm at the end of day three and my tether. Any tips on how to keep my sanity, please.
I used to mainly run for exercise with a little gym work also. Anyhow, am a little prone to picking up calf injuries and about 18 months back injured my achilles pretty badly after doing too much too soon after an injury. So do be careful, better to be right for the long run rather than make things worse. I do sympathise though as I had to go without running for months, and any exercise at all for a few weeks before being able to do some stuff in the gym and cycling. It was very frustrating and, for me, the psychological side is worst. Forced to take a break, I realised how much of a lift exercise gives me mentally. For all of that, do heed the doc's advice. I didn't and it only set me back. 2 weeks is not so bad so try and think the risk of going months rather than weeks. If you really can't go without, what about swimming as that seems less impact on the joints etc.?
Actually feeling a little sorry for myself too as my running has been going great this summer, alternating with some cycling and work on the spin bike. Went for a run in the gym this morning before setting off to France in the morning and suffered a sudden pain in my calf towards the end which is now very sore and will probably put paid to my plans for some running while I'm away in preparation for a 10k coming up soon. Am taking the bike though, so hopefully will be well enough for some quick morning rides through the French countryside before the children get up.