bodybuilding and cycling?

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Ok so I started going to the gym this time last year with the aim of gaining muscle and looking better. Anyway last month I took to cycling and want to take it more seriously this year, increase cardio, ride further, do some sportives etc.

So I Got up this morning for a ride, its sunny, quiet on the roads and I'm gutted.
Why? Because my legs are very sore from squatting yesterday and I can't ride.

So does anyone go to the gym and cycle and make progress at both?
If so how do you balance using enough weight to shock the body for growth ans balance than with recovery for riding?

At the moment I'm starting a cut, I want to lose a stone but keep as much muscle as poss so dropping the weight lifted isn't ideal.
depends what your goals are - cycling performance or looking awesome on the beach. Alternatively, if you must go to the gym, maybe just work on upper body stuff..


Both. I dont want to be a pro bodybuilder and be really bulky, i started going to the gym because of back problems and the muscle really helped stabilise my spine, now my backs great and i started training more like a bodybuilder.

I have put mass on but too much fat, so now want to lose weight, but i dont want to be a super skinny cyclist either.
somewhere in the middle would be great, just general good health and fitness and look half decent

Upper body only is defo an option, but i dont want my legs to become out of proportion and look like one of these guys who look great in a t shirt with chicken legs at the bottom lol.

Maybe i will look into the type of training track cyclist do.
Track sprinters push a few weights - but they do that because they are track sprinters. I guess it all depends on if you want cycling performance or beach body looks - the two are not always compatible.


I tried to do the two together, doesn`t work, the cycling burns off and muscle increases, and any that you do make will make you heavier and slow you down on the bike. It`s frustrating but unless you are very lucky it`s one or the other


Senior Member
St George
I cycle everyday, push it really for short distances, (8 to 10 miles twice a day), ride short hills, eat a protein rich diet. Don't squat heavy, Train with ascending weight high reps mid to low weight range (50kg+). my legs are not chicken legs.
Re-arrange your leg days so they are not so close to your rides, do an upper-body work out day or arm day before a run, ride, then rest day before doing a leg day.


Its going to be a balancing act but im going to give it a try...firstly i need to lose a stone so that should be easier than trying to gain mass.
Cut cals, lift heavy and use cycling as my cardio on the off days, concentrating more on upper body for now and go lighter on the legs, upping the weight used on legs if im recovering ok.

sound a reasonable plan?


Über Member
Don't forget deadlift!


Number one exercise for gaining weight = squats.

Don't forget deadlift!

If you want to pack on muscle then this ^, although you probably already know this by now.

You can still ride a bike for your cardio, but will need to keep an eye on your heart rate if you are really serious.

About sixteen months ago I started going to the gym after losing a lot of upper bodyweight from years of cycling. Eating and training heavy I went from 72kg to my current 83kg with not much of an increase in fat. Howerver, I didn't realisically have the time to keep up my fifty mile bike rides so I gave up the bike for a while.

A month ago I went out for a ride for the first time and found the difference in fitness and extra weight was a killer, going up a 8% hill in the middle of a fifteen mile ride almost had me screaming.

Now I'm back in the gym after a months break, and my strength has dropped off, especially on the big lifts like squats.

The phrase, 'jack of all and master of non,' springs to mind.

Pick the one you want to achieve the most with and concentrate on that, and accept you won't be able to do the other one to a similar level.


The phrase, 'jack of all and master of non,' springs to mind


i gen just commute a lot and dont cycle as much as most ,realistically im not the slimmest and my 14 st is never gona reduce to the level of some cyclists ,i train upper body and maybe a few lighter squats for a stretch ,i suppose iv got kinda chunky thighs anyway but even after a few weeks on the fixed (pushing a bigger gear )they seem to get a bit thicker and more muscley ,but its defo a balancing act ,either go for the wiggo look (and climb and ride better than most )or go for the heavier kinda bulky look and accept it as a ten st young lad whizzes by you as you puff and pant like a fat dog (i realised this a while ago and its option b for me ):hungry: iv actually heard it said that i dont look like a cyclist as proper cyclists are skinny wimps (this was from a non cycling female btw so her view not mine ,app women prefer "realmen"whatever that is

flying start

I'm in the same boat matey
Started biking two years ago mtbing in the lakes (big days out) and the odd big road day out 100+miles but after my holiday in August I've done no biking I've been going to the gym for the past 8month and have seen a good bit of musclebulk up top but looking to start commuting tomorrow 5days a week (5miles each way)and gym 5nights too! I'm going to leave the legs to Friday night and mostly rest weekends or less we do a big day out in the lakes ill miss my legs out as this should keep my legs looks good! As for aching start using SIS rego will help repair your muscles and keep you going but don't take to much because it can put weight on!


yeah. no way i can do heavy/squatts deads if i want to bike 3/4 times a week.
think i will just go steady on the legs and focus on upper body/cycling for a few months to shift a stone and re-asses it later.


it is also scientific fact that bodybuilding kills braincells

Go on then, I'm going to take the bait. ^_^


Well you must have done a lot of it then.

Boom boom missus. ^_^
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