Body says NO!

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Internet Marketing bod
I hadn't planned to go for a ride today (which might have been part of the problem) but the in-laws popped by and my wife said that as it was such a lovely day did I fancy nipping out on my bike?

I'd had a lovely couple of eggs on toast for breakfast and a proper burger (at home) for lunch, so an hour later when I hopped on my bike I sucked down a gel (because I've realised they're out of date so I might as well eat them up).

A few miles down the road I got a headache so bad I decided to go naff off back home. My legs were feeling the ride but not hurting, my lungs were fine but my entire head felt like it was about to explode. This has happened once or twice before in the last six months and there's no point in carrying on or 'manning up'.

So I'm back home having drunk some electrolyte drink and downed some pills. My sweat was so salty it was stinging my face.

The point of this post? Well since when have any of my posts had a reason to exist? :smile:

The ride


South Somerset
I am probably the opposite at the moment.

Silly work hours, and a cold ride the other week have all but done me in.

Went out a few weeks ago and got really cold and wet, have not felt really good since. Result, have not been on bike for 3 weeks now :sad:. Reaaly wanted to go out today, but sitting here i cant get warm even with the heating on and 2 layers.

Sometimes it is a silly thing if you Man up, just listen to your body sometimes.


Legendary Member
Yep, nowt worse than going out when you're not up to it. I've done a few pre-planned rides with others because I didn't want to let folk down and really cursed myself during the ride.


Had something similar at the weekend, legs felt jaded and couldnt keep the pace going, hr was quite high too, wasnt as if id been overdoing it, hadnt done a turbo session since monday or tuesday


Legendary Member
NE England
That sounds like the OP was systematically dehydrated. The other possibility that came first to mind was a migraine but the salty sweat may be the decider.


Internet Marketing bod
That sounds like the OP was systematically dehydrated. The other possibility that came first to mind was a migraine but the salty sweat may be the decider.

Thought long and hard about this - the night before I had a Bloody Mary, a homebrew pint, half a bottle of wine and two whiskys. I was then cycling with winter layers on in warmish weather.

Total. Intelligence. Deficit.


West Kent
I'd also say that was dehydration... Even if I've drunk enough water over the day, I will still get the same if I've had too much tea or coffee as the caffiene drives it all back out. If it's bad enough I get cramp in various leg muscles too... Not nice, and you're right - no point carrying on. If it's that bad, a quick swig of water won't sort it. You need to sip a couple of large glasses of water over the next couple of hours and then try again.
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