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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Has anyone used it yet or heard of a personal acquaintance who has? I am very dubious of get rich scheme but is this one real ?


Stubborn git
Has anyone used it yet or heard of a personal acquaintance who has? I am very dubious of get rich scheme but is this one real ?

I think you have missed the boat in terms of big gains seen at the start of this year. Might be OK if you know how to play the markets. If you have money you can afford to lose then have a gamble.
Sadly I decided in 2013 I had missed the boat. Well, I hadn't but I have now.

Be very wary of buying any cryptocurrency. It will almost certainly crash at some point, and there are a lot of bad actors out there, literally just taking your money, and never actually buying the coin.


Has anyone used it yet or heard of a personal acquaintance who has? I am very dubious of get rich scheme but is this one real ?
It still confounds me that bitcoin (and others) were set up as an alternative to cash, but are more volatile than the riskiest stocks out there. Hardly the behaviour you'd want from a currency! I've stayed well away even though I was tempted at times.


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
I take it it is a no then. Might take my wife to Asda for lunch tomorrow with old fashioned, fast losing its value Sterling. :sad::okay:


Legendary Member
On a slow downward trend with no end in sight. If you're troubled by bricks of excess cash cluttering up the place and just want rid of it, then it's an excellent investment.


Legendary Member
I have just invented a new one I am calling the euro bitcoin.
Each £ will be worth 1.5 euro bitcoins. I personally guarantee that the value will go up by 50% every week (although it may go down).
Send me your cash......minimum £250.00 and I will email you a voucher for the bitcoins.
You know you can trust me as I had a relative who was a Doctor.....his name was Shipman.


Legendary Member
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