bikeroutetoaster is crackin'!

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Looks like it uses the same engine as Bikehike has Os mapping as well though.


Bikehike is my favourite, the parallel integration of OS mapping is a genious idea, but I'm not sure how they got approval from OS who are legendly restrictive in how their maps are used!



When I first used bikeroutetoaster, it was slow and used to crash on me whenever I asked it to plot too long a distance 'following the road' so I switched to mapmyride as I found it worked for me. They've since resolved those problems but I've stayed with mapmyride because I'm used to it. The Garmin plugin would be a huge incentive for me to switch back... IF it worked on linux! Sadly, like all of Garmin's stuff, there's no linux option.


New Member
i used BRT to plot my routes into my garmin for the french jolly I just returned from. It works fine as long as you dont put in to long routes ...which freaks it out and you get constant 'script' errors what ever they are...but it means it stops working.
Anyone know how to get the routes that you save via the Garmin communicator plug-in to have a name other than 'course.gpx' as it keeps trying to overwrite any (ie the only existing route) routes if I want to put a new one in. Am using bikeroutetoaster. Help gratefully received as Mrs G is giving me grief for buying something that doesn't do what she wants!
Mr P, is that on BRT? - I had named the course, or on the 705? - I couldn't see how to do that bit. Think I'll start another thread asking about that. Cheers.
Mr P, were you using the Garmin Comminicator plug-in for this? I can't see the option to change the name.
Mr Paul, I've tried that and it still appears as 'course.gpx' on the Garmin. However I've now sussed that if I access the unit via 'My Computer' and open the GPX folder, I can rename files that way. Not ideal, but it does work. Off touring for a few days next week, we'll get to test the waterproofing as well as the routing I fear!!
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