bike fits

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Active Member
not sure where to post anyone ever had a proper bike fit and did you get any benefit out of it? i'm hoping to do lejog next year,and i was hoping that having one would make the ride so much more comfortable. ty in advance.


Legendary Member
Definitely worth the lolly. I had one done and the bloke only moved my feet a few mm on the pedals; maybe it was psychological but I felt much faster on the bike after that. If nothing else it was good to have the reassurance that I wasn't doing any long-term harm as I am very knock-kneed.

My climbing buddy has had a lifetime of rugby-induced back trouble so he went along and had a bike fit session at a good LBS then bought an Orbea on the bloke's recommendation. It all took about 3 hours but it was £50 well spent because he finds the bike very comfortable and hasn't had any back pain, even on long climbs over the Pennines from Manchester to Leeds.

My wife and I had a pro bike fit (BG Data Fit) at Cycle Evolution in Colechester. Fantastic attention to detail and got some really useful insights out of it.

The guy made several changes to the bikes and we both agree that we definitely felt the benefit. Did not just stop there - set up cleats, footbeds - everything really. They also provided a free follow-up appointment - to refine anything that we weren't sure of after trying the new bike setup for a couple of weeks.

We also got a shed load of measurement data that I was able to supply to my LBS when ordering a new bike. This allowed them to set it up right out of the box.

In all fairness, it was a few quid but if you can afford it, I would recommend it.


Active Member
I have just had a bike fit recently so decided to share my views:

Two reasons for going for a bike fit:

1) You want to maximise power by small adjustments that can be identified by 3D video capture, as opposed to basic visual trial and error.
2) You suffer from some niggling pains on rides.

For me it was point (2) that I decided to seek a bike fit, due to lower back pain coming on during longer rides over the last 20 years ish.

Ideally look for a fitter that comes with recommendation. Experience in the business counts for more than a certificate obtained from a short training course in bike fitting.
In my case I chose Velomotion becuase the fitters are also physiotherapists and I have heard a lot of positive reviews about their service.

Following the fit and adjustments that were made to my bike, I felt a lot more comfortable in the saddle. This is also verified by the before and after pics that I received, whereby I am not as stretched out as before. So overall I as quite pleased with the result.

True, by trial and error I could have made the adjustments myself without a fit, until I felt comfortable, but it would have taken me longer and I needed comfort that the back issue wasn't down to some external factor/s not involving my riding. So overall I was pleased to have had the bike fit.

To early to tell if it has been effective against the back pain, as I have not been on any long rides since. But I will prove an update in a few weeks - (have a couple of sportives from next sunday to look forward too:smile:)
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