Bike boxes at traffic lights.

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Just wondered what is law on bike boxes at traffic lights I am sure they are never enforced or rarley used by cyclist just by motorists cant remember last time I saw one free of traffic.

Dan B

Disengaged member
Thing is (1) being in the box is not proof that you drove into it while the light was red (you might have become stuck there) so hard to enforce; (2) some police forces apparently think the penalty is too harsh so ignore the offence; (3) the average town or city these days has about as many traffic cops as it has door-to+door whelk sellers anyway


Here for rides.
We have a bike boxes. Designed and executed by non-cycling twunts. They are almost all nigh on impossible to enter when traffic is about and not needed when it isn't. Most local drivers appear utterly ignorant of how they work and some, too many, take great exception to them being used.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
In most cases, the only benefit of them is that it puts more bike symbols on the road and reminds motorists bikes are allowed there, and officially welcomed.

The law needs simplifying and red light cameras should be used again to reenforce them.


Setting the controls for the heart of the sun.
We have a bike boxes. Designed and executed by non-cycling twunts. They are almost all nigh on impossible to enter when traffic is about and not needed when it isn't. Most local drivers appear utterly ignorant of how they work and some, too many, take great exception to them being used.

IME that is quite often the case. Indeed I recall last year doing some backseat driving and correcting my eldest daughter when she stopped in a box, having had the lights change to red some distance from the junction.


Leg End Member
Place bike in box.Walk across junction,Take bike from box.Pedal on .Simples
How's the box being carried whilst cycling though?


Cycling in the sun
Occasionally the police have a crackdown morning, but that's the only time I've seen it enforced, and that usually results in a spate of letters to the local rag complaining about wasting police time, and why aren't they catching all those cyclists jumping red lights instead (they normally do both of they are having a morning patrolling the lights).

I usually look at the driver then down at the box, then back to the driver and hope they understand my point whilst laughing at them.

I use them some of the time.... ESPECIALLY when a driver races to pass me to join the back of queuing cars having to slam on their brakes, then the right and proper thing to do is to pass them whilst grinning manically as you pass them.


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
I use them some of the time.... ESPECIALLY when a driver races to pass me to join the back of queuing cars having to slam on their brakes, then the right and proper thing to do is to pass them whilst grinning manically as you pass them.


Saw cops watching on where Commercial Road joined Whitechapel Road.

The drivers were immaculate in their observation of road markings, I remarked on this to the copper, i said 'you're like the Queen who thinks the world smells of fresh paint'.

He laughed and agreed

The next day they were back to usual, I frequently cars that have gone right past the ASL, just like they utterly ignore road markings entirely, they usually need some help to know that the lights have changed

I think it's part of the general cult of selfishness where you care about absolutely nothing other than your own petty needs


Leg End Member
Saw cops watching on where Commercial Road joined Whitechapel Road.

The drivers were immaculate in their observation of road markings, I remarked on this to the copper, i said 'you're like the Queen who thinks the world smells of fresh paint'.

He laughed and agreed

The next day they were back to usual, I frequently cars that have gone right past the ASL, just like they utterly ignore road markings entirely, they usually need some help to know that the lights have changed

I think it's part of the general cult of selfishness where you care about absolutely nothing other than your own petty needs
"Must get through", lights will change.
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