Big hello, and bike alarms..?

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New Member
North West
Hi there,

I'm in the process of looking for a new bike and as I intend to chuck a bit more money at this one (well more than £20 anyway), I've started to think about security too.

I've noticed a few sites advertising bicycle anti theft/tamper alarms. I wonder if anyone has one and has a noticed a reduction in attempts on their bike?


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
The only defence that is workable is "make your bike less desirable to nick than the one next to it."

There are a few methods, ranging from riding a BSO, having a big lock and chain, using multiple lock types, putting alarms on it, riding a hackbike in the company of weight weenies, or simply staying in the saddle.

The latter is the most reliable. All others are relative. If someone wants your bike enough, they WILL get it.

Many alarms are easily muffled with a towel, I hear.


Über Member
Hello CatVert

I've seen some of the audible alarms, mainly the little retractable cable ones, but decided against those in case it starts going off on it's own (or if someone knocks your bike with theirs).

How often do you hear car alarms going off, but nobody ever goes and looks to see if someones car is being stolen? I usually just complain about the noise :thumbsup:

I've got a few locks for different situations. I chunky D-lock and heavy chain lock for if I ever leave it in public for a while i.e. all day (I have yet to used this combination yet)

The chunky chain gets used on it's own if I'm leaving the bike somewhere but for not too long e.g. when I go swimming (it's also not a very busy road)

And now I have a small coiled up chain that fits in my saddle bag. This is used for leisure weekend rides as I very rarely leave sight of my bike for mare than a few minutes. This lock also goes into my commute bag in case I need to stop briefly at the shops on the way home.


Resting in suspended Animation
I don't think alarms work, I've heard them go off in York. Really you need a crap bike and a very good D lock, be selective about where you park, a few other factors and a bit lucky. Keep the money for a new york fahgeddabout it mini, abus grant whatever etc.


New Member
North West
Yes I see. Looks like i'll just have to chill out and just go with the usual precautions. Although i still might be tempted to sleep with it by my bed, just for a couple of weeks mind...

many thanks :thumbsup:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
It also depends if you're going to leave it in a vulnerable place. I don't use a lock at all with my best bike as I never leave it unattended.


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
CatVert said:
I still might be tempted to sleep with it by my bed, just for a couple of weeks mind...

How callous. I nuzzle up and sleep next to mine all the time. Well, not all the time, but I will admit 40 winks on the way back from the FNRttC. Poor old Ben was left yelling at me from the other side of 4 lanes of traffic, whilst I leant up against a handy lampost :thumbsup:


New Member
I use a combination lock plus a long padlock through the front spokes and forks. I am awaitng delivery of one of these....



Should arrive some time this week, I'll let you know how it performs.

Tom C


New Member
RedBike said:
Sadly I don't think anyone is going to take any notice of a relatively tiny battery alarm going off on a bike.

Burglars dont take much notice of locks on doors & windows but I'll bet you still lockup before going to bed?

Any kind of deterant is worth it in the long run. Most locks can be picked or hacksawn off, but I think any thief will be put off trying to nick you bike while there's a loud pitch screeching going on?

I dont mean just used an alarm on its own, use it as an added bit of security along with a couple of locks.

Tom C


New Member
North West
I had an attack alarm years ago and the alarm was pretty unpleasant when activated. Might just make a difference and it isn't too expensive. Will be good to know what you think of it...


Leg End Member
Have you thought about using either a personal alarm or a sonic grenade. Both activated when the pin is removed.
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