best way to conserve energy

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Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Is it better to go uphill standing on the pedals or sitting down. I heard that standing up uses more energy. What do you think?


I reckon you use more energy stood up. It's not so noticeable with gears, but on my fixed wheel there are hills I can get up sat down but not stood up.


Well-Known Member
I find I climb different hills differently.

Short sharp hills I like to get out the saddle and stamp on the peddles, longer hills I tend to stay in the saddle and spin a lower gear.

It tends to help to change position occasionally on a longer hill to give different muscles a rest, but on the whole out of the saddle will use more energy.


Well-Known Member
I tend to stand for most hills but I suspect thats due to having the wrong gearing. But I always get to the top first
even if I am then shattered.


Active Member
I tend to mix it up.
Do a bit sitting down spinning until the inevitable "f***k this for a game of soldiers" thought comes into my head.
At that point, I'm likely to gear up between two and three gears and stand up for a short burst.
Again, inevitably, I reach the "f***k this for a game of soldiers" breaking point and gear back down for a bit of seated spinning, with the benefit of having maybe picked up a bit of pace.

This process repeats until I get to the top. Spin, stand, spin, stand. Give the muscles a bit of a rest.

I'll also add in, that I occasionally do a bit of lighter effort climbing standing up where I really concentrate on pedalling circles and bearing more weight on my arms, just to make sure I'm not working at absolutely maximum effort. I do like to remember my very limited abilities.
This seems to be much easier to do and gets me there too.

YMMV as they say on the tinterwebnet.


West Somerset
To conserve energy use the lowest gear you have and slowly make your way to the top sitting down. To get to the top quickly, use a higher gear and honk you way up, but it doesn't half burn up your energy resources.



Re member eR
I used to be a honker but now I find it more comfortable to spin a lower gear and sit down. Having said that when the gradient rears up it can help to get out the saddle and grind away.

Also on a very long climb, especially when you have a done lot of miles already, getting out of the saddle to vary the muscles you are using helps ease aching legs.


Well-Known Member
I have a double which I'm not fit enough to use effectively. Therefore, when on a hill, I sit down until I feel my cadence is dropping to "dangerously inefficient" levels, then (attempt to) honk my way up the rest of the hill.
I have a double which I'm not fit enough to use effectively. Therefore, when on a hill, I sit down until I feel my cadence is dropping to "dangerously inefficient" levels, then (attempt to) honk my way up the rest of the hill.

I'm similar but I try to counter act that fall into the inefficient zone by standing up earlier, leave it too late you've not got enough strength to honk up the hill. I like to stand up for a couple of revs to get the efficiency back then sit down again and repeat this depending on the length of the hill. Easier said than done, but I also like to change up when I stand up and down after I've sat down to keep the cadence going.
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