Best insurance company?

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Matt B

New Member
I've got two nice bikes that i would like to insure. Any recommendations for a good company to go with?

Matt B

New Member
Cheers mate, I'll take a look. Do you reckon it would also cover me if I injured someone? (not that I'm planning to!)


Legendary Member
East Lothian
I recently change home insurance because my existing one would not cover the higher value of my new bike, I went to Sheila's Wheels, very helpful and the complete policy is a lot cheaper than the old insurance.
Do Tesco's sell everthing these days they gave me quite a cheap contents insurance price including the bikes and the excess away from home was quite cheap too (£15), unfortunately it only corver bike up to circa £600 or £700. So when I bought my new bike I moved to M&S but I've never claimed with either its only then you discover how good they are. I'm also a member of the CTC mainly for their liability insurance but I suppose their mag and campaigning are also worth it, anyway its not dear.


I was insured with CIS (co-operative?) when in London. They offered, as I recall and at the time, the best and biggest value cover for bicycles.

Edit: forget to say it was home insurance.


New Member
West Oxon
I went with Sainsburys home insurance recently. Cover for any bikes up to £500, or up to £1500 on the high risk premium (along with telly, hi-fi, computers etc) with a receipt or valuation. Also covers bikes away from home provided they're locked - no stipulation on type of lock either. The premium was very reasonable, too. Worth a look.


You can make the decision not to quibble with yourself when you make a claim, you can payout to yourself as soon as you want to buy a new bike, you get to choose not to restrict yourself to only buying your new bike from halfords, and best of all you get to decide what you want to do with the premiums you receive from yourself.


New Member
If you have household contents insurance, you may already have your bikes covered. BUT - check with the company on the *detail* - you may find a £ limit and/or specific storage/locking requirements to have the insurance valid.

CTC or British Cycling (silver or above) membership will give you worthwhile third party liability insurance and legal assistance in the event of an 'accident' specifically for cycling. Personally, I wouldn't cycle without membership of one or the other.

Matt B

New Member
My house insurance covers me if it's stolen from my house, or another locked property. Also if it is immobilized by a security device?? Take it that's a bike lock?? worries me that the wording seems to imply that anything not immobilized by 'security device' i.e gear mech is not covered!! Looks like I'll have to look around a bit, as this sounds like shoot cover! Not sure I like the possibility of being handed vouchers for Halfords either. In fact the thought mortifies me!! cheers for all your suggestions! Also what about cover for racing? I feel like really getting into the spirit of things this year!


Matt B said:
My house insurance covers me if it's stolen from my house, or another locked property. Also if it is immobilized by a security device?? Take it that's a bike lock?? worries me that the wording seems to imply that anything not immobilized by 'security device' i.e gear mech is not covered!! Looks like I'll have to look around a bit, as this sounds like shoot cover! Not sure I like the possibility of being handed vouchers for Halfords either. In fact the thought mortifies me!! cheers for all your suggestions! Also what about cover for racing? I feel like really getting into the spirit of things this year!

normally anything that requires tools to remove is regarded as part of the bike. i.e. anything QR is not, but mech would be as you'd need an allen key to remove it.
Just signed up with churchill for contents insurance - got both bikes covered (including away from home and accidental damage) and overall a far better cover than on my previous insurance - for less money. Tried to ring Sheila's wheels, but gave up after 23mins in the queue. Also, the fact that they didn't list my postcode online didn't bode well...
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