I'm looking for a good all-rounder bike that would make my 1-hour long commute to work a pleasure without breaking the bank. I'm willing to spend £350, but I would be happy to pay up to £400 for the perfect bike. So far, I've singled out a few models and I was wondering what your advice would be.
Is this Claud Butler Classic any good? Or should I consider Trek T30? I like some of the Raleigh ones, but apparently, apart from being sturdy and durable, they don't have many advantages. What do you think about the Saracen Venturer?
I'm planning to pop into Evans this afternoon, but I'd like to get some advice from you guys before I speak to the staff.
Is this Claud Butler Classic any good? Or should I consider Trek T30? I like some of the Raleigh ones, but apparently, apart from being sturdy and durable, they don't have many advantages. What do you think about the Saracen Venturer?
I'm planning to pop into Evans this afternoon, but I'd like to get some advice from you guys before I speak to the staff.