The last couple of months they've been emerging from the loft into the house*. Some are enormous, but they're usually v sleepy and easy to catch/evict.
We've had a wasp or two in the house. We leave the conservatory window open for the cat's to get into their 'run', but a few wass cme in that way, and usually end up buzzing around our 7ft tall arched window at the front of the house.
Had a few bumble bees prospecting around and know where at least one is proposing to set up home. I try to keep them out of my shed as I don't want to leave the door open all summer. Had a nest under the step of a store at my old workshop. My wildlife pal advised me to keep quiet about it or the greenies would have me shut down in case of disturbance. They were not bothered about people stepping over their entrance and came back for several years.
Best thing if you see one looking a bit cold and out of sorts is give it at tiny bit of honey or sugar water and watch how fast they recover. Its so quick, from barely able to move to zooming way.
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