I am a master's student at the Univeristy of Girona, currently writing my thesis about Cycling Tourism here in Girona, Spain. I am studying about important attributes at a cycling destination, and how satisfy you are with these attributes in the Girona region. I am currently in my pilot data collection phase, and I require around 100 sets of data. Apart from that, I will need 400 data sets for the actual research sometime early April. If you have been to the Girona region for cycling, I will appreciate if you all can help by filling up a 5minute online questionnaire for me, and if you can share with your cyclist friends, that would be great too!
Here’s the link to the questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/Pages/Resp...hIzoOk6tUQzU2TElETzE0MDBNNjdDS1o3Q1U2SDROSC4u
With the current Covid-19 lock down situation, I am a little stuck with data collection here in the city, so if you can help it will be highly appreciated. Thank you!
I am a master's student at the Univeristy of Girona, currently writing my thesis about Cycling Tourism here in Girona, Spain. I am studying about important attributes at a cycling destination, and how satisfy you are with these attributes in the Girona region. I am currently in my pilot data collection phase, and I require around 100 sets of data. Apart from that, I will need 400 data sets for the actual research sometime early April. If you have been to the Girona region for cycling, I will appreciate if you all can help by filling up a 5minute online questionnaire for me, and if you can share with your cyclist friends, that would be great too!
Here’s the link to the questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/Pages/Resp...hIzoOk6tUQzU2TElETzE0MDBNNjdDS1o3Q1U2SDROSC4u
With the current Covid-19 lock down situation, I am a little stuck with data collection here in the city, so if you can help it will be highly appreciated. Thank you!