Bates BAR

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Dirty Camino

So I've got a Bates BAR frame and diadrant forks which I feel quite sorry for! Initially when I got it, the previous owner had sprayed it themselves (terrible job) so I'd decided to get it redone, unfortunately the person I asked to do it also didn't do a perfect job.

It was acid dipped and painted black but not completed, not sure why but they genuinely fell seriously ill so not in a position to take it back.

My question is, is it worth paying someone to re do it again, after all the frame is sound, or is it time to let it go, has it lost all chance of any value?

I had initially wanted to try and build it it back to original spec but finances won't allow, so an alternative option was to make it into a single speed (sacrilgious I know!).

Any thoughts appreciated!
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Senior Member
The frame is a rare, irreplaceable frame and should be conserved. If you cannot afford to do so yourself - and this happens - you should sell it to someone who can and will restore it properly. Once the original paint is gone, the value stabilizes at a new, lower point. (The value won't be further reduced once the original paint is gone unless the frame is physically damaged.)

Getting the frame properly repainted is the best option to retain whatever value it has now and conserve the frame for future generations.

Dirty Camino

OK so I'll definitely sort some pics out over next few days!

I'll give it some serious thought as I agree it need to be restored for the future although I genuinely can't afford to restore it back to the original parts etc! I looked at Chater-Lea cranks, and then went straight to look at Wiggle 😂
Don't feel like you have to stick to the period-correct build: it was only original once and it's already unoriginal by now, so throw away the 'guilt' of doing something different (but don't SS it either! :okay:). What you've got is a lovely, lively, classic frame that could be an absolute joy to ride, whatever bits you fix to it.

Here's mine on Dunwich Beach at the end of last summer's Dynamo. It's always a great ride, but it made my best DD ever to ride through the night on top of this frame.

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