I actually had a very illuminating discussion with Barclays about this at the time - essentially they admitted that they block pretty much ALL transactions (of any size) from the accounts of elderly customers to new payees and all are followed up with a phone call to confirm there's no scamming with the account holder who has to go through full security (I don't know what age this starts from 65/70?).
A pain when trying to do multiple transactions on someone else's behalf but reassuring (especially as they'll phone the customer from a call centre - mum knows not to talk to anyone who calls claiming to be from a bank etc, so I had to follow up every time with the fraud team, think I've spoken to everyone working in the team in the NW and NE!!).
I think the only one that went through without a hitch was to the solicitor. The ones to me and my brother didn't!
It reminds me to sort out power of attorney with Barclays!
I'm only 56 and I'm already falling foul of this.
When I bought the camper I wanted to do a baking transfer of a large sum and, que surprise, the app blocked it.
Rang them up, told them what i was doing, it was a reputable firm trading for 4 decades, registered at company house, I know what im buying, and they still wouldn't do it.
So I drove over there and paid the 50k on my debit card and the transaction went straight through with the PIN without me having to open the app to confirm it, which defies all logic after them refusing the bank transfer.
I don't mind them doing some basic due diligence, but its established that I've got all my marbles, I'm not under duress, it's a legit purchase, they should authorise it. The banking code compels them to allow me to spend my money on on what I want, when I want, and blank refusing to allow me to do so on a legitimate is simply unlawful. My complaint is now in but I'm expecting they'll not back down and it'll go to the ombudsman.