I have tried many off the peg drop-bar bikes over the years but had always ended up returning to my trusty flat-bar road bike as result of the neck pain I was experiencing. However, as my annual mileage increased the advantages of a drop-bar bike still seemed to be the way to go. After discussing my past problems with different cyclists and retailers the consensus of opinion was that I was simply not giving myself enough time to adjust to riding a drop-bar before reverting back to my old flat-bar. It was also suggested that a more upright Cross/Sportif bike may be more suitable rathet than an aggressive Race bike. Taking this advice on board I purchased a Cannondale CAADX from Evans and have ridden it regularly for the past two years in an attempt to allow myself to'adjust'.. The pain is now worse, despite changing my stem, seat position etc. This time I feel as if I am over reaching, and so it has been suggested that rather than continuing with the expensive trial and error process that it may be better to get a proper bike fitting by somebody other than the salesman eager to shift his particular brand of bikes. Sorry to waffle on folks, but your experience and knowledge would be much appreciated.