Back pain

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Evidence based cyclist
Hi all.

I did 70 miles on Sunday, which is the furthest I've done.
By about mile 50 I was getting twinges in my back which quickly developed into really painful, er, pains.

It was in two patches, just either side of the spine, near the base. Kind of where the kidneys are, but closer in to the spine.

Any ideas on how to avoid it? I changed riding position a few times, which helped for a few minutes at a time.

I never get back pain doing other activities.
If thats your longest ride it may just be a once off until your body becomes used to it but if it happens repetitively and doesn't ease off seek better advice. Touchwood I can't recall ever suffering from back pain but I change position a fair bit, standing/ sitting and sitting back and relaxing.


N Ireland
70 miles is a long way to ride without changing position quite frequently - to prevent stiffening-up and getting a bit sore. If it becomes more regular you could try lifting the stem a little to give you a more upright position, which helps some. Otherwise a check-up may be required, as suggested by HLaB.


Fleet, Hants
I wouldn't fiddle with the setup yet, do a few more 70 mile rides first.

There is another thread from last week about lower back pain have a look at that. I suffer with lower back pain from 40 miles, mine is always resolved by hopping off the bike and stretching my hamstrings. Others in that thread suggested core muscle strengthening exercises.

I would try all of that before messing with your bike setup which has presumably been ok up until your first 70 mile ride.


Back pain can come from lack of core strength , you re not overweight in the tummy area are you, sorry had to ask.


Evidence based cyclist
Back pain can come from lack of core strength , you re not overweight in the tummy area are you, sorry had to ask.

Haha, don't be! I'm not fat, but I would like to lose about 5kg more (lost 10kg since Jan)


Haha, don't be! I'm not fat, but I would like to lose about 5kg more (lost 10kg since Jan)
Stretching on the bike may help on longer rides the 3 I do are turning the head thru 90 degrees hold for 10 secs each way 3 times. Unclipping and leg up to backside ( just like a standing stretch but on the bike) and hands behind head a nd back arch the back. Obviously to be done at safe to do moments, and dependent on bike skills, but as with most things easily attainable with practise.


Active Member
I found Pilates helped enormously. I had backache when sitting for long time at work or after 30miles without a stop. Is your pain restricted to bike only? Strengthening the muscles in the back seems to have helped support the spine and joints and I very rarely get problems either at work or on the bike.


Evidence based cyclist
I found Pilates helped enormously. I had backache when sitting for long time at work or after 30miles without a stop. Is your pain restricted to bike only? Strengthening the muscles in the back seems to have helped support the spine and joints and I very rarely get problems either at work or on the bike.

I get a very occasional twinge when not on the bike, but this is the first time I've had proper back pain.


Definitely a progressive ache.
Sounds like you could be putting pressure on a nerve. I have a touch of arthritus at the base of my spine on one side. Which puts pressure on a nerve can get quite painful,usually worse when its damp, but can be all sorts of reasons for the pressure.
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