The blackburn was clipped as you say through the strap, it had never been out. All I was left with was the broken clip left in the strap.I have three. One attached to the frame using the standard cateye bracket, one securely clipped onto the light strap on my topeak bag, and the other is a poundland jobbie that is clipped to the carry handle and reinforced with an elastic band. The one on the light strap has a fiercely strong clip that is a struggle to get off so I don't expect it to come loose.
Yep. and it isn't the only Smart rear I've had that has died a damp death. Some have been resurrected but others? RIPYours too? I gave up on mine (the 0.5 watt thing) in the end as it was so unreliable. It's a shame as it was dead bright.
Yours too? I gave up on mine (the 0.5 watt thing) in the end as it was so unreliable. It's a shame as it was dead bright.
Yep. and it isn't the only Smart rear I've had that has died a damp death. Some have been resurrected but others? RIP
Even after radiating with WD40 they sometimes don't come back.Mine Smarts 1/2 watts get wet and won't turn off. Radiator sorts that - bloody annoying though.
I suppose with MTB'ing you don't want something eye wateringly bright, especially with others. Tried a magicshine 818 ? Will be ok for solo rides
Gaz you re going to have to get your wardrobe sorted before you get an mtb M8 !Fibre flares!