Autumn/Winter 2024 Challenge - Numbers

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All uphill

Still rolling along
We've had the ABCs of villages, pubs and saints, now I need a new challenge to keep me going into the autumn and winter, and hope you will join me

My thought is to post a photo of my bike in front of all the numbers from 1 to 50 in sequence.

Option One
To make the challenge interesting no more than five numbers may be in any one setting. So if number 1 is a house, for example, then only four more numbers may be houses. Use them wisely!

Numbers can be in text (one) or numerals (1).

Parts of larger numbers/words cannot be used - a BMW 335 may not be used as a 3 or a 5. Fiveacres may not be used as five, but five acres could.

Option Two
Numbers 1 to 50 on road signs.

I don't think we need any more rules than that - there are no prizes.

What are your thoughts? Interested in joining me?
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Legendary Member
I'd thought about doing this with just road signs and just seeing how far I could get, as lower numbers are more common than the higher numbers it should just get harder the higher you go.
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
I'd thought about doing this with just road signs and just seeing how far I could get, as lower numbers are more common than the higher numbers it should just get harder the higher you go.

Hmm. That's an interesting idea.

Something I like about your idea and mine is the near impossibility of researching the next number. You'd just have to get out there and keep your eyes open.


Legendary Member
I did number 1 today.

Annoyingly I went by one earlier and didn’t stop, then saw a 2, even more annoying I can’t remember where I saw it now.

I’ll start a proper thread at some point, unless someone beats me to it.



Legendary Member
Are we going with your idea of road signs, or mine of having different categories? Or having two or more variants?

It was your idea so go with what you want. (I won't be offended either way)

I'm going to stick with road signs/furniture as I can't think how we would get to 50 different categories, so if you stick with your original idea then I'll start a new thread.
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
It was your idea so go with what you want. (I won't be offended either way)

I'm going to stick with road signs/furniture as I can't think how we would get to 50 different categories, so if you stick with your original idea then I'll start a new thread.

Thanks, how about running the two together? Option One and Two?
All uphill

All uphill

Still rolling along
How about a hybrid? You can reuse a category as a source for a number but only 5 times. Thus you can use house numbers 5 times but use them wisely. Then you only need to find 10 categories.

I like that and will edit the first message in this thread to reflect it, and the other option.
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