At the Diabetic clinic

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Well-Known Member
I started cycling in feb to help me get over injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident on track and also because I am diabetic also over weight and unfit. 12 months ago I was basicly 19 stone with a blood count of 7.8 and my doctor upped my metformin to 3 tablets a day. Move foward to jan this year and having back and leg pain due to a slipped disc caused in the accident I decided to do something about it so started dieting for about a month lost some weight, then got the bike out and started cycling to help at the end of feb I had to have bloods taken and tested well I was then down to 6.8 with a good weight loss and the diabetic nurse was well chuffed with the effort I had put in. this week I went in to have bloods taken went back in to see the doctor last night and now my reading is down to 5.9 and weight is just under 15 stone so was told I can cut out one tablet a day so back to 2 a day I am well chuffed he also did a blood presure test and I got 120 over 80 which I said is that anygood he replyed you have the blood presure of a 20 yr old as I am 46 thats not to shabby. This cycling does wonders for us all.


Excellent news. :bravo:


Über Member
Great news! Good on you!


Well done. I ended up on insulin (some Type II diabetics do have it). Lost 5 stone, now not even on tablets. Keep it up.


Legendary Member
Trev, that is great stuff. How are your bike injuries?



New Member
Yes another story here 25 and 1/2 stone July lady year 14 -10 Friday morning might be expensive hobby but boy it's good just need to get over my op

Which when they took my hr was only 48 at rest they were very impressed for an ex fatty!!!
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