Just messing about with the position on my newly built flat-barred roadrat. I normally ride fairly upright with the bars close to level with the seat, but I'm having a fiddle at dropping them a bit - which feels more natural on this bike anyhow.
Anyhow, I notice since dropping the bars a couple of inches, and my torso lunges forward, my arse wants to go further back on the saddle - so I'll have a play moving the saddle back. I guess my question is it it usual to move the seat back as the bars go lower?
All the noobie reading I've done on bike setup suggests you tune the saddle postion indepentdently of the bars. The other thing is with a setback post already, the saddle postion is starting to look very far back.
Well just wondering - after a few long rides, not far off a comfortable postion now - no doubt get there with iteration soon enough.
Anyhow, I notice since dropping the bars a couple of inches, and my torso lunges forward, my arse wants to go further back on the saddle - so I'll have a play moving the saddle back. I guess my question is it it usual to move the seat back as the bars go lower?
All the noobie reading I've done on bike setup suggests you tune the saddle postion indepentdently of the bars. The other thing is with a setback post already, the saddle postion is starting to look very far back.
Well just wondering - after a few long rides, not far off a comfortable postion now - no doubt get there with iteration soon enough.