With arm warmer if you are like me (skinny biceps
) you have to be a bit more selective I've foun defeet ones stay up the best. The first pair I bought were Aldi and they were a little thin from what I've seen you get a much better selection than that but they did have the advantage of being cheap and hence I had no qualms about altering the biceps to fit.
Kool stops and Swisstop are the bee knees when it comes to pads. i'm using atzec cartridge type brakes on my sirrus at the moment and I can't really fault them, they set up fast with no fter squeak and they stop me! Beware of going too cheap, I've put ed co op one on the ridgeback and the squeak like mad no matter how much adjusting. On the rear of that bike I've got aztec cartridge holders too but for no particular reason (other than that it was I had to hand) it recently got a Kool-stop insert.