Thanks... I am pre-empting any problems... I collect a garmin 800 today and it is my first cycle gps - so route creating / gpx downloading etc are all new to me.
Not 100% sure about the garmin 800 but you should be able to use garmin connect ( for free to upload/download etc and view.
For routes I can highly recommend as you can generate cycle specific gps routes in gpx format an download them onto your device as a route to follow.
You should be okay with bikeroutetoaster and garmin connect but if you run into difficulties I can provide an easy way to get a route to the Garmin using gpsbabel.
In fact has the ability to download directly to a garmin device if you use windows so this will be the best way of creating routes and getting them onto the 800.
Just had a go on the bikeroutetoaster site and created a route and uploaded to my two garmin etrex units and saved the gpx file to my computer. Looks good for planning rides for next year!!
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