Anybody been MTB at the 7 Stanes?

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Well-Known Member
Going up to Newcastleton trails on Saturday and camping there for few days, just wanted to know if anybody has been round this area MTB? thoughts on the trails, area etc - any advice please would be appreciated.


Senior Member
Hi Francesca. Went up there about 4 years ago. Fantastic biking. Loved Glentrool which wasn't technically challenging but the descent was the best bit of free flowing single track I've ridden. Worth the climb. Also did Kirroughtree, Dalbeattie and Mabie. Much more technically challenging. In fact I wimped out of blacks and stuck to blue n red but if you're a proficient bike handler you'll love them. Must try and get back there before I get too old for it.


Well-Known Member
Hi Francesca. Went up there about 4 years ago. Fantastic biking. Loved Glentrool which wasn't technically challenging but the descent was the best bit of free flowing single track I've ridden. Worth the climb. Also did Kirroughtree, Dalbeattie and Mabie. Much more technically challenging. In fact I wimped out of blacks and stuck to blue n red but if you're a proficient bike handler you'll love them. Must try and get back there before I get too old for it.
Thanks Janeyb, Iam not a proficient MTB, only started out nearly year ago and a long way to go before I get to the reds or blacks! I think I will stick to the blue runs for now, and hopeing to get on a mtb this year sometime.:rolleyes:I will post some piccies next week.


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
I've ridden Ae, Mabie, Kirroughtree and Dalbeattie. They are all fantastic. You'd enjoy the blue at Mabie and you owe it to yourself now to go to Dalbeattie and ride the mixed blue/red taster route. I can promise you there is nothing that will frighten you, and although you may find a bit of a challenge in places, it's only a matter of doing one route then realising a lot of it is confidence.

In fact, go to Mabie and ride the blue, then ride the skills loop. There's a berm,/ switchback and a couple of step-downs that will really boost your confidence, and because they are in a very controlled environment you can take out of them what you want. Here's me gaining a bit of confidence on the step

and the hooligan version


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Cubette on the wallride at Dalbeattie. You can go as low or as high as you want to...... but the sense of achievement that Cubette got that day was priceless.


Legendary Member
East Lothian
I rode Newcastleton a few years ago and it was pretty good, and I also like Mabie and Drumlanrig Castle, however, from the level you seem to be at, I would suggest Glentress, it's not too far from Newcastleton and the Blue is a fantastic route that really introduces people to the best of mountaining biking without getting too OTT, and you can easily make a mixture of Red and Blue to get the best of both routes. Follow this link and you can become a friend of Glentress and down load the free maps, very helpful.

A great route is to park in the Glentress Peel Centre car park, follow the Red/Blue/Black route up to the Buzzard's nest car park, pleasant sngle track with nothing too steep, and a few rocks and balance beams to play on if you like. From the Buzzzards nest follow the Blue route, it rejoins the red after a while, again a fairly easy single track climb, a bit rocky on a few switch backs to make it more fun, unfortunately there's then a wee section of fire road climb, but it's not too long and the views are pretty good near the top. At the top you can stay on the Blue, or take the single track red climb (recommended route), this is quite hard, but not too long and it will eventually get you to the top of Spooky Wood, which is a great Red grade descent, however, all the techincal bits have chicken runs, and most of it is fairly easy, it gets more techinical the quicker you go. After Spooky Wood do the next red section, I think it's called Super G, take this one easy, the start of it is probably the most techincal of this mix and match route, when you cross the first fire road after Super G leave the red and rejoin the Blue (turn right along the fire rad) route all the way back to the car park and cake stop. The Blue descent from here is excellent, Berm-Baby-Berm is probably the best bit of single track suitable for a newish moutain biker I have ever ridden, (I am told possible without braking, but I've not yet managed that) I expect you'll want to do it more than once. The final section of the Blue descent has a mixture of Red and Blue jumps on the way down, you can avoid any you don't like the look of, a couple of te Red ones give a lot of air, but have seen a few painful mistakes. Have fun.

If I was you, I'd probably give Innerleithen a miss, it's a bit more full on, fantastic, but sort of like Glentress' angry big brother.
Francesca, I'll echo Cubist's comments ...

They are all fantastic. I can promise you there is nothing that will frighten you, and although you may find a bit of a challenge in places, it's only a matter of doing one route then realising a lot of it is confidence.

I've ridden all the Staines, there's something there for everyone. You'll have a great time, just do what you're comfortable with, the confidence will come then there'll be no stopping you.
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