Any gym users? How much does it cost you?

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Our council gym is £24.99pcm and you get access to gym, swimming and steam/sauna as well as classes across four venues. Racket sports are the only thing you need to pay for. It’s cracking value as they use technogym equipment which is refreshed every 5 years or so.

The next nearest competition is £20-£25pcm but it’s single venue only and no pool but is 24hr entry. The council one has poor weekend times; 8am to 6pm. I prefer to go once kids in bed around 8pm which is fine Monday to Friday,


Legendary Member
My nearest Leisure centre costs £38 for gym, swimming pool classes but not sauna. It is a better gym branded operating company run at the council; leisure centre nearest me. £39.50 at a nearer holday park which includes swimming pool and sauna / steamroom. Or there is

The other one that is between the holiday park and nearest town gym in terms of distance is a Pure group gym that is £44 a month, no cheaper for 6 months or 12 months up front, works out £44 per month for all those.

I did see one for £22.50 but I cannot see it now.

The holiday park that is 5 minutes drive away or so is £39.50 with pool and sauna but it has very little. It has all the free weights but TBH I prefer the resistance machines for simplicity. Just get on, pick the weight level and go. Not sure about using the liftinig rack or the benches without a spotter TBH. It has very few resistance machines and the few that they have some are a bit unusual in how to use them. One I just could not work out. I guess for monthly membership someone will walk me round. I just walked in off the street and got on with things. Nobody working there to speak to.

The next closest at £44 is the same gym, swimming pool and steam room. The gym seems to have more equipment, not many more but enough to make it better. Thjey have a cable resistance set up that can be adjusted up and down and attack from different angles. I used one in my old gym years ago but that was on arms and called a freedom trainer IIRC. Designed for use by wheelchair users but it works well for able bodied especially on a gym ball for imstability to work the core muscles. I used it to simulate kayaking stroke one side at a time on the gym ball. Very similar to putting in a hard stroke only moree resistance. That absolutely killed me to do that exercise as your arms got worked hard and your core muscles too. I am tempted by the£4.50 more a month but perhaps not that much.

So there is the next town. 20 minutes or so but it is at least this side of town. There are not photos of what they have or list of machines so I have no idea what the £38 (cheapest deal around these parts) gets you.

Blimey, long post!
Just visit them and ask for a tour, even a free day pass so you can give them a try (or you can use Hussle to get day passes at low cost)


Heavy Metal Fan
My partner uses a very small one near to where we live. It's £38/month. You can swim whenever you want but it's only a small pool, and only some sessions are bookable. It also includes classes which you also have to book (like Pilates). There is a full Gym there but obviously on a smaller scale.

I have had colleagues who go to large Gyms (i.e. Virgin Active, PureGym, David Lloyd, Nuffield Health) and it was £40/year even 10 years ago. In fact it was so cheap that hospital staff used to buy a gym memebership and use the free parking instead of paying £2/day to park at the hospital. They soon put a stop to that though

Time Waster

Just found one for £10a month! My son's school which I go to a couple of days a week to take son to sports classes. For an hour or hour and half. It has a lot of resistance machines, no free weights or treadmills as it's used by year 8 and 9. The vinyl surfaces on the machine pads are worn, completely through in a few places but it'll all work and looks like the machinery is well looked after even if the kids have nearly trashed the seating pads on a few machines.

Trouble is I want a treadmill to get some winter weather walking training in, perhaps even run. Although the pace of my walking isn't far off the pace of my running.

Another long post! How do I. Learn brevity?


Any gym users? How much does it cost you?

We have £22.50 to 42.50 per month adult any time in this area.

I have a home gym, free weights, barbels, dumbells, squat rack, cable machine. Would never pay to go to a gym.

I understand if you don't have space to train. Its whether you want proper gym or posh gym to work out in

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
My wife has a Local Authority one for £15 because her sister used to work for them so secured a lifetime deal. I'd have to pay about £40. It includes gym, swim and classes.


unindicted co-conspirator
A friend just got remarried. His new wife had a nicer house than his, so they consolidated in her house. He wanted the garage for a workshop, so they moved her power rack, bench, and weight equipment from the garage into the living room. They call it "the other entertainment center."

Time Waster

If she uses all that I wonder how he got away with claiming the garage, she could snap him in two!! ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Mrs P bought me a board and one weight for Xmas.I told her it looked very much like an ironing board and iron to me.She says i am mistaken.


unindicted co-conspirator
If she uses all that I wonder how he got away with claiming the garage, she could snap him in two!! ;) :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

He pointed out that the living room had AC and heat, and the garage didn't. I think that was the major selling point.

Then again, considering their house, it wouldn't be the strangest thing. They have an ordinary three-bedroom house with two levels. The lot has quite a bit of slope, so the second level, with the bedrooms, would be the basement in most houses. It has an "island" kitchen. To get to the bedrooms, you use the stairs... which are in the kitchen, going down through the island.

I guess it's convenient if you need a late-night snack, but it's definitely an unusual layout.


Hong Kong
I pay $750HK, about 70 quid, a month for my gym. I can access 6 of them here in HK but I only use 2. One across the road from where I live and another branch near where I work. The one near my work is closed until the 15th as they're moving to a new building.
£23 pm for a gym at the hospital where I work.main attraction is that it doesn't get busy.

Swim + classes are extra so it's not as good an option as it first seems.
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