Anti-cycling propaganda

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
It's not the first one Australia has produced, either. No wonder the acceptance of cycling over here is proceeding so slowly.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Why the need of this ad? What is the context? Tell us more.
Is petrol cheap in Australia btw?



I don't think I need to add anything, the message is clear.


Über Member
Ok I get the point ! but it highlights one problem and kicks another in the teeth so to speak and as per @Pat "5mph" says fuel must be cheap in Ozz. They should make an other add showing the bikers pulling faces for the amount of fuel/carbon monoxide etc the 4x4 is chucking out then that would be fair enough for the inuendo that cyclist's are drivers who have lost their licence for some reason.
At one level it's quite funny... but it seems to be aimed at people who perceive themselves as dependent on motor transport.

The UK anti-drink&drive one with the barman doing all the other voices knocks the spots off it and manages not to discriminate, but in one sense it is well aimed.

It is well aimed at people who feel dependent on their driving license and do not have a credible Plan B (or what they see as one) should they lose it.

I do not see it as anti-cycling propaganda. It is not the cleverest thing I've seen, but I am not the target audience.

We (cyclists) can get a little touchy about anything we see as ammunition to 'the other side'. I do understand the concerns about making cycling look silly, uncool or only for the banned driver, but it's not as serious as the onset of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. Now that was a disgrace!


Legendary Member
, but it's not as serious as the onset of Operation Barbarossa in June 1941. Now that was a disgrace!
You'll have to tell us about it some day grandpa.:whistle:

Back to the topic.
It seems the "terrible thing" is apparently the loss of a driving licence, and not the possibility of death and injury resulting from the incident that led to the loss of the licence.


It's so at odds with the notion that Oz is a sporting nation. I assume those guys that run to work only do it because their car wouldn't start. Losers!
A sporting nation is the way Australia likes the rest of the world to see it, but in reality it's no different from the UK or US, with just as much hatred and negative press directed at cyclists.


I know where my towel is
The irony is, our new Prime Minister is a cyclist.

That old line :rolleyes:


but seriously, I hear nerd/geek chic is in, so perhaps it will backfire ^_^
Looking at the poster, I am not sure I would want to be screwed by that young lady, I might break her...

The video also made me laugh, I know two blokes on a tandem is meant to look proper nerdy/geeky, but how on earth is a Suzuki Vitara cool..?
I think I would go with the tandem every time :tongue:
You'll have to tell us about it some day grandpa.:whistle:

Back to the topic.
It seems the "terrible thing" is apparently the loss of a driving licence, and not the possibility of death and injury resulting from the incident that led to the loss of the licence.

Godwin's Law. The Third Reich had to be mentioned to hold the space-time continuum together. Sometimes my work here is not as well appreciated as it ought to be.
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