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Beore you read this, my lower case 'F' will not work on my PC. I have just discovered this problem!
I am seriously looking at getting a new bike or my 20 mile a day/aFternoon/night commute. I currently have the old Specialized Crossroads and I am Feeling more uncomFortable than ever with the sitting up position. I have been commuting For over 12 months now, so I am now reasonably Fit. I have to commute in all weathers and even managed in the snow last year. I intend to keep my old bike For the bad weather but I was looking at something like a Specialized Tricross. The cycle to work scheme is on at present, so I am looking at 500-750 approximately For the bike(I am on a drastic budget, does this amount seem reasonable). I do not do any racing and I am in no club. It is For commute only, but getting to work quicker with less weight would be brilliant. I oFten take either panniers or a small ruck sack, I have to take my own Food with me due to diet. I ride 99% oF the way by road, which varies From bumpy rural road to dual carriageway in the nationals. The dual-carriageway is sometimes but not very oFten changed For the pavement with Fear oF death, the pavement is 3/4 mile long and bumpy as hell. I have been speaking to a Few people who recommend titanium Frames, whats the score with diFFerent Frame materials, does it make that much diFFerence. Even now I Find when I have Finished work and Face the journey ahead I think oF the weight oF my old Crossroads and it Fills me with dread ie 'AhThisFeckinThing'. I thinks thats everything, IF I've missed some piece oF inFormation you need let me know.
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I am seriously looking at getting a new bike or my 20 mile a day/aFternoon/night commute. I currently have the old Specialized Crossroads and I am Feeling more uncomFortable than ever with the sitting up position. I have been commuting For over 12 months now, so I am now reasonably Fit. I have to commute in all weathers and even managed in the snow last year. I intend to keep my old bike For the bad weather but I was looking at something like a Specialized Tricross. The cycle to work scheme is on at present, so I am looking at 500-750 approximately For the bike(I am on a drastic budget, does this amount seem reasonable). I do not do any racing and I am in no club. It is For commute only, but getting to work quicker with less weight would be brilliant. I oFten take either panniers or a small ruck sack, I have to take my own Food with me due to diet. I ride 99% oF the way by road, which varies From bumpy rural road to dual carriageway in the nationals. The dual-carriageway is sometimes but not very oFten changed For the pavement with Fear oF death, the pavement is 3/4 mile long and bumpy as hell. I have been speaking to a Few people who recommend titanium Frames, whats the score with diFFerent Frame materials, does it make that much diFFerence. Even now I Find when I have Finished work and Face the journey ahead I think oF the weight oF my old Crossroads and it Fills me with dread ie 'AhThisFeckinThing'. I thinks thats everything, IF I've missed some piece oF inFormation you need let me know.
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