Another truck/cyclist accident in London

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Senior Member

That's 6 this year. And 4 in about 2 months. Something needs to be done but I don't see Boris taking this seriously yet.

This is so awful, every time I hear of one of these my blood runs cold.

Do we ever find out the cause of these? I only ever seem to hear of 'Cyclist killed by lorry' or 'Pedestrian killed by driver'. I'm not interested in blame as such but a cause such as someone breaking the law (red light jumping, mobile phone use) or either party being genuinely distracted or doing something rash for a second etc. is, I think important in understanding why people are dying and then going on to making some attempt at reducing these. If it's law breaking then more needs to be done to enforce existing legislation. Otherwise, it could be an infrastructure issue or a more education/training....


This is insane, are these incidents being investigated holistically to try and determine if there is a linked common cause?

I really hope people are not filtering up the inside of trucks at lights.


Senior Member
This is insane, are these incidents being investigated holistically to try and determine if there is a linked common cause?

I really hope people are not filtering up the inside of trucks at lights.

I'm guessing there's an element of this... I never go on the inside of a bus or truck that's near a left turn and I either get exasperated fellow cyclists huffing behind me or they just overtake and go right on in there...


Dog on a bike
I don't see this as an issue where it is appropriate to try and pin blame on individual politicians.
So if the mayor of London doesn't have some direct responsibility for safety on the Capital's roads, who do we pin responsibility on? I'm not saying that it's just his fault. Accidents can be caused by cyclists doing stupid things particularly around large vehicles (and again I'm not saying this is the case here) but as you work your way up the chain the first person who can do something about: lorries in London; education of cyclists in London; education of drivers in London; condition of roads and junctions in London; is the Mayor.


Dog on a bike
Was Boris driving? No.

Forget the guff about 'dangerous roads'. This is about road users - plain and simple. One road user killed another and no amount of signage, blue paint or fine words by politicians could have changed that.
Yes but perhaps education on both sides could have helped prevent it. A point I made in my post above. I never mentioned "dangerous roads" only that the Mayor has control over the condition of roads and junctions within London.

Or perhaps we should expect nothing to be done, in which case nothing will be done and the situation will get worse.


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
This is about road users - plain and simple. One road user killed another and no amount of signage, blue paint or fine words by politicians could have changed that.

Good to see that we already know the result of the fatal accident inquiry, from a paragraph on the internet.
RIP the cyclist, but let's not apportion blame just yet. I seem to remember a similar thread not so long ago when a cyclist died as a result of a collision with a caravan. The driver was hung out to dry on here; then it turned out the poor cyclist had ridden into the back of the caravan whilst it was sitting stationary.


Nobody's prejudging the investigation but the evidence would appear to point to another fatality in which one road user has caused the death of another. That's not the same as saying they are to blame - but from the Evening Standard report it would seem that the lorry driver didn't even notice they'd hit someone.

Really? Care to provide a link?

Or are you doing your usual thing of trolling anything I post?

You *could* try googling... turns up this story about how the police are being safety conscious

"The force’s move follows the death near Hull in late March of a cyclist taking part in a time trial who rode into the back of a stationary caravan."

there seems also to have been a lot of questions raised over why they chose that road during a bank holiday because it was a busy road...

( frankly looks like a campervan on some photos and it had a puncture according to some of the reports.)

[edit , too slow ;) and the better pics in beano's link show it certainly wasnt a campervan ..]
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