Another Scotland question.

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I'm planning a Coast to Coast next year hopefully Kyle - Montrose. Has anyone cycled up the Glen behind the 5 Sisters range to get to Glen Affric, I was wondering just how steep the climb is.

I have found the quote below, is it that bad, or worse? said:
Have something to eat and gird your loins for the nasty bit: The next section is the worst bit of the entire trip, and the reason why the first day has been kept relatively short. Beyond Glenlichd house there is a singletrack which heads up an unpromising-looking valley. You must now push, shove, carry and swear you way up a rocky path for around 4km and 300m of height gain, almost none of which is rideable. There is some excellent scenery to enjoy when you pause for breath as the valley twists its way up the mountain, narrow and steep sided. There is an excellent waterfall to photograph, thundering through a narrow chasm. Enjoy. This valley cuts between the 5 Sisters and Beinn Attow, a bulky mountain with a large flat top.


Legendary Member
Find another route would be my advice, it sounds especially Scottish, i.e. a nightmare. If there are midges around you won't survive.


There is a good track up to the mountain hut/bothy. Beyond that the going will be a bit more hike n'bike in places. Once you get over the col it's good going on the Affric side and keeps improving as you head east

Donald Payne

New Member
A friend of mine was warden at Glen Affric: he told me he used to cycle out to Balmacara (near Kyle) for supplies. With this in mind, I have booked the train to Kyle at the beginning of next month. The quote above is the least foreboding of the three descriptions I have found of this route but---given fair weather and daylight---we are going to give it a go! I'll let you know how me and my vintage hybrid get on! I have driven a minibus to the top end of Glen Lichd but I can't remember what the next bit is like for walking, let alone biking. I imagine we'll be carrying the panniers up and then going back for the bikes.
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