Another Hi

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New Member
Just thought I'd say hi. I've just taken up cycling in the past week.

I've not ridden since I was a teenager so about a 15 year break. Finding my first few runs quite tough, especially on my butt!

I've done 3 x 4.5 mile runs and 1x 8 mile run so far so will hopefully be gradually upping it in the next few weeks as my main goal is to lose a bit of weight.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi and :welcome: @CH_79

It's quite common to be a bit tender for the first few rides after a long break. It does get better - honest.:thumbsup:


New Member
Already bought some padded shorts and gloves - my bum couldn't take any more!!!

I only rode a mountain bike when I was younger so road tyres have been a bit of a shock!

Phoenix Lincs

Über Member
Sleaford, Lincs
:welcome: To this fab forum. Enjoy your journey ^_^

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
Already bought some padded shorts and gloves - my bum couldn't take any more!!!

I only rode a mountain bike when I was younger so road tyres have been a bit of a shock!
True, chubby tyres make the bum happy :laugh:
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