another +1 - possibly

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New Member
Still relativley new to this cycling malarky..but now got the bug :smile:

Ive always had bikes..well BSOs but a few months ago I got a Spez rockhopper on the C2W scheme - foolishly entered a sportiv at the ond popped some road tyres on it roped some friends in and love the road riding.....even the hills!

In fact got that much into it..I workded on SWMBO and secured some money from the Tresury for a road bike - a spez secteur triple was purchased and loving it even more. the MTB has the knobblies back on and use that for family rides and hopefully a few off road rides later in the year

Now this has started a catylyst of one upmanship /keeping up with the jones's with my friends with most going out and getting bikes in the £800 now sort of regretting not working on her in doors more to get a better budget.

I have now, however, acquired a £1000 and are looking at another ride bike but a little bit worried im getting slightly carried away..questions are:

1) am i mad and should i make do with what i have?

2) get another bike and sell the secteur

3) get another bike and keep the secteur

If I did get another bike what would recommendations be?
ribble sportive?

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
rsvdaz said:
1) am i mad and should i make do with what i have?
Do you like what you have? Is it enough bike for now? Can you park the new bike money for a bit & buy once you've trained some more? Or is it a "use it or lose it" dort of a thing?
2) get another bike and sell the secteur

3) get another bike and keep the secteur
Depends how fancy you go with the new bike. If you're commuting, a full on racer is going to be a bit of a pain (no mudguards, no capacity to take luggage). Assuming the Secteur can do those things, it could be handy to keep it as the commuter, and the new one as the quick bike.
If I did get another bike what would recommendations be?
ribble sportive?
Crabon - no idea - I hear they're really good, but have an irrational fear of the stuff myself.

Boardmans are superb bikes for the money but bear in mind that they're specced with SRAM components - some people get on with this, some don't - definitely try first. (If Halfords will let you).

Both Ribble & Cube are well reviewed. You have the advantage of having a road bike you (presumably) like to ride - compare the geometries & spec to see whether the stuff your looking at fits the bill or not.


Banned member
South West
I think you're getting far too carried away with it all. I've been cycling for 20 years (track racing, time trials, road racing & MTBing) to a fairly good level at one point a few years back; and I've never spent £1000 on a single bike.

It simply isn't necessary, and it will not increase your cycling pleasure at all. The secteur is fine for road riding unless you start entering serious competitions or you're really fast. If you're an average rider, or even below average, you will not benefit much for an expensive bike. I certainly wouldn't want to be 'that guy' with the expensive bike who always gets dropped!

On the other hand, if the money is burning a hole in your pocket - why not! From your post though, I don't think this is the case.

Your bike choices need reconsidering too. I'm 'for' carbon, as long as it's a decent frame not a cheapo that actually weighs more than 7005!


New Member
yep..that is a concern....all the gear and no idea! lol

money certainly isnt burning a hole....but is it wrong to lust over something exotic?


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
rsvdaz said:
....but is it wrong to lust over something exotic?

Not in my book.

I've had the same steel frame tourer for 20 years - but when I started cycling again I upgraded it slowly, then acquired a fixed, and a tandem - and built up some better bikes for the kids.

If I get 'dropped' I can always blame it on the heavy old bike. I know it's my legs that need upgrading really, but does it stop me lusting after a piece of shiny Titanium? Not at all. I've worked out the spec I want, just can't decide between Enigma, Sabbath or Van Nic frames.... and it's all in my imagination anyway because I'm so far from affording it....


New Member
Devon looks as though I have the go ahead from 'er in doors
Will be keeping the sectuer as commuter/winter bike so been looking at bikes at £1k on bike radar and interested in the following and would appreciate thoughts/reviews

Boardman TC
Planet X SL Pro Carbon
Cannondale CAAD9
Kiron Scandium
Bianchi Via Nirone
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