annoying cruds

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Active Member
Have now had enough of my crud mk 2. Whatever I do I cannot get enough clearance over the tyre due to the frame and back brake. Resulting in the smallest piece of debris to get stuck between the 23 tyre and guard. The noise it make wants to makes myself and everybody else scream, it even makes dogs run away. I have now been looking at SKS long raceblades as the connection under the calipers seems to give a lot more movement as the guard is in two connecting pieces..
Anybody use these or heard good things..
Thanks. P.s cannot afford a winter frame.:-)


Some frames just don't have the clearance for Cruds. What bike do you have? How many mm clearance is there between the tyre and frame and tyre and brake calliper at the back?


My Armchair
I had similar woes with my Cruds, have stuck to the normal RB's.
Saw the long RB's the other week but haven't seen them for sale any where yet.
Be interested to see how people get on with them too.


Active Member
I must admit to reservations after going from SKS blades to the Crud mk2 for the winter hack 15 montha ago, but they are brill in doing what they should - keeping the crap of you and others.

The SKS blades were clumbersome, heavy, noisy & crap would spray between the gaps, over anyone in close proximity and splatter the front derailleur

The Cruds do need a spoonful of patience to set up, I'm using 23's too, but then they are easy to live with & their afterservice is spot on
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