Android phone on the cheap - its for work.

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I'm sick of looking at phone reviews and googling for prices only to find out it's likely going to not get past the boss.

Simple android phone that's not going to be out of date in a couple of years = 3 years of update support needed as work phone.

I mostly use camera, text, calls and would use emails if I didn't have a totally rubbish iPhone 5s with a stock email app that's virtually unusable.

Don't want a separate camera just a reasonable one in the phone. HDR probably needed and decent in low or difficult lighting (reflective surfaces, difficult angles to take from, macro or at least decent close up and able to deal with dodgy lighting). Currently using personal phone a galaxy A70 which is not bad at all.

Budget was one or two hundred pounds. Today it was about one hundred pounds. I can't see a decent camera on a phone at one hundred pounds.

Around New years I could get a decent phone for one hundred and forty pounds. Now it seems they are at two hundred pounds.

Have to get from a trustworthy source. No Chinese grey market companies with a name made up of seemingly random letters. High reputation places as it's a business buyer.

8i really cannot see anything right now. Nokia 1.4? There's moto g10 through g50 as prices go up. Moto g9 power lite for £100 but bad camera review. Samsung a12 vs Nokia g10?

It's a minefield of possibilities but nothing interesting me until I get into £229+


I'm sick of looking at phone reviews and googling for prices only to find out it's likely going to not get past the boss.

Simple android phone that's not going to be out of date in a couple of years = 3 years of update support needed as work phone.

I mostly use camera, text, calls and would use emails if I didn't have a totally rubbish iPhone 5s with a stock email app that's virtually unusable.

Don't want a separate camera just a reasonable one in the phone. HDR probably needed and decent in low or difficult lighting (reflective surfaces, difficult angles to take from, macro or at least decent close up and able to deal with dodgy lighting). Currently using personal phone a galaxy A70 which is not bad at all.

Budget was one or two hundred pounds. Today it was about one hundred pounds. I can't see a decent camera on a phone at one hundred pounds.

Around New years I could get a decent phone for one hundred and forty pounds. Now it seems they are at two hundred pounds.

Have to get from a trustworthy source. No Chinese grey market companies with a name made up of seemingly random letters. High reputation places as it's a business buyer.

8i really cannot see anything right now. Nokia 1.4? There's moto g10 through g50 as prices go up. Moto g9 power lite for £100 but bad camera review. Samsung a12 vs Nokia g10?

It's a minefield of possibilities but nothing interesting me until I get into £229
Sorry I don understand if it is for work why don't they just buy one for you.

Time Waster

Small company the director basically told me to find something and if he agrees he'll pay with company credit card. Recently changed network but usually the director sorts new phones out, iPhone, and lesser mortals get the old phones.. they kept them this time and my 5s is dying.

Time Waster

Yes but TBF times have been tough with the chip and other issues for small lower tier automotive manufacturers. Frightening how little went out of the door q4, 2021. Layoffs and natural shrinkage of the workforce, etc.

Of course when the directors (plus family) all have the latest iPhone on the company's money I think you're right.

Non- executive decision, budget up to £200. Stuff them! They're apple fanbois so perhaps they don't realise there's good phones for less than £600!!! :laugh:


The Motorola phones are fine, the are fast enough to cope with most use cases, the camera tends to be terrible, but unlikely to be an issue for work phones, and the battery life is pretty decent.

They aren't going to excite you but then it's a work phone.
Refurbished, maybe? That would certainly give more bang-for-buck.

I'm looking for something to replace my venerable but creaky Samsung S2 - doesn't get used much but for the odd call and text and a bit of internetting. So am keeping an eye on this thread with a bit of interest, as my budget is around the 80 to 100 mark.


Legendary Member
If you're looking to keep the price down but still get a decent phone, have a look at Argos & Currys Ebay stores as they quite often have refurbished ones on offer at a discount when compared to new ones. My current phone (Moto 5G) set me back £140 from Currys when combined with a promotion that Ebay were running.

Time Waster

The Motorola phones are fine, the are fast enough to cope with most use cases, the camera tends to be terrible, but unlikely to be an issue for work phones, and the battery life is pretty decent.

They aren't going to excite you but then it's a work phone.
I do need a decent camera. I would look at Motorola but there's supposed to be some very pedestrian cameras on them that let them down.

Work use I use the camera more than personal use and often with more demanding conditions such as awkward angles, dodgy lighting, guesswork photography where you cannot see the screen but have to point and hope you get it, low light through to too much light reflecting back to hide details needed, etc.

I work in quality in production environment so I need photography as one type of evidence gathering. I'd say having a decent camera on me at all times is as important as people being able to get hold of me.

I was looking at moto but there is the Samsung a12 that has a reasonable review for its price. Camera is likely to be better too.

Time Waster

Refurbished, maybe? That would certainly give more bang-for-buck.

I'm looking for something to replace my venerable but creaky Samsung S2 - doesn't get used much but for the odd call and text and a bit of internetting. So am keeping an eye on this thread with a bit of interest, as my budget is around the 80 to 100 mark.
Galaxy s2?!! Still working? I had one when first came out. Top end phones were a lot cheaper back then, £400-500 I think. I went to a couple of towns looking for one but nowhere had one until I got one in another town. I then found out that it was the first week of release and most were pre order hence low stock. I didn't know much about the phone business then so bought it too early perhaps.

5 or 6 years, then LG G2 which had the best camera of its day. Then honor 8 and finally galaxy A70 bought 2 or 3 years ago.

I find phones last for shorter times now than before. Actually but true my s2 lasted that long because I bought a replacement battery at 3 years. Now internal batteries are too much hassle to replace even if you can. So 2 or 3 years sees the battery losing charge quicker and not taking a much in neither. Built in obsolescence by locking the consumable battery inside a fixed case, plus not updating after 2 or 3 years.

I think the S2 made Samsung's name. The LG G2 was a really good but indifferently received phone. Imho better than anything else out back then. Best camera of its day.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
If you want the best camera a Pixel should be your choice, but not a new one for that budget. You might be able to pick up a used 3 or 3XL though.

Checked on eBay and there’s a selection, refurbished and used for around your budget.

Time Waster

I agree but used is out for work purchase. There's not the issue of updating pixels aiui, they update for life I heard due to stock or vanilla android. Unlike the Limited support for other brands because of the skin they add to stock android.


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Have a look at one of the Xiaomi phones, they have some around your budget. I’ve got a Poco X3 pro (£200) which is quite good but camera is not wonderful but acceptable. Pluses are good screen and battery life.

If not any of the Android 1 phones which offer a minimum 3 year updates.
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