Am I the most unlucky person of this week?

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Ok, so on my way back from work there is a quite a long decent which is near the home end of the journey and I love it as it is just puts a bit of energy back into to the legs for the final stretch. On Tuesday cycling back I was right near the bottom of the decent when a wasp flew (at quite considerable speed...or was that me???) into my mouth. It was gross and a bit scary as I skidded off with quite a few expletives!
That was bad...
Today....same hill....but just under half way down and flying...another wasp hits but this time on my lower forehead and proceeds to crawl around the frame of my glasses and across my eye!!!! Now I'm blind as a bat without the glasses and had that 'hour long couple of seconds' trying to decide whether to stop, or take glasses off and keep going...
Stupid me decided to take glasses off mid-decent.
I didn't get the wasp...
Checking my bike over to make sure there isn't too much damage.
So...anyone else been unlucky this week?


The older I get, the faster I used to be ...
Now I'm blind as a bat without the glasses and had that 'hour long couple of seconds' trying to decide whether to stop, or take glasses off and keep going...

ALWAYS stop! It's so tempting to try and get rid of that bug on the lense on the move, but........ don't do it! STOP and sort it.


Live to Ride
Stung/bit on 3 occasions over the last month

1. Wasp in my helmet resulted in 5 stings to the side of my head
2. Wasp collision resulted in a sting to my forehead
3. Horse flies sting like a bitch!!!!


Thanks Dayvo...learned a few things this week...
Ride with mouth closed on fast descents
Stop if unsure
How to spell descent
...sorry was a bad moment!


Parrot of Doom

New Member
Just been out cycling tonight, and a bat decided to fly straight into my left brake hood. It hit it with a fair whack I can tell you. I stopped and was hoping to take a picture, but it took 3-4 seconds to figure out wtf had just happened before fluttering off into the night.

The little sod left a puncture mark in the hood, where one of its wing hooks had grabbed hold.

Then five minutes later, a huge moth flew into my face, while I was doing a considerable speed. Stupid bright lights!
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