I have got a place in this Etape (the hilly one and not flat version option) While going up the hills i am genrally ok but coming down to describe me as cautious is an understatement!! i have been down a hill on my bike at 50mph and survived fine but feel it is not something I need to repeat having lived the experience. My balance and confidence at in descending are not great now ( a couple of speed wobbles) and as a result generally develop a very good working relationship with my brakes happy in the knowledge that it might take me longer than my mates i do get down safe and sound.
i am just a little worried if on the very long descents if i am permently braking the potential problem that heat build up from the friction might have. You do here about the odd horror story of peoples wheels / tyres exploding from the heat. Any advice would be appreciated both in terms of specific braking techniques and also should i look at different pads? Currently running campag record on Ksyrium SSC's, do I need to look at more of a cork type pad? I did a couple last year in the dolomites and the rims were so hot I could not touch them; not sure if this is normal or danger sign
i am just a little worried if on the very long descents if i am permently braking the potential problem that heat build up from the friction might have. You do here about the odd horror story of peoples wheels / tyres exploding from the heat. Any advice would be appreciated both in terms of specific braking techniques and also should i look at different pads? Currently running campag record on Ksyrium SSC's, do I need to look at more of a cork type pad? I did a couple last year in the dolomites and the rims were so hot I could not touch them; not sure if this is normal or danger sign