Allez Fork disassemble and refusal to assemble

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New Member
My error totally.... wanting to tidy up the steerer tube area, I removed the fork from Allez Sport.
Wanting to put back together, yes you guessed it I am now stumped by what bit goes where and how.
Nothing was forced when removed and there was no need to prise anything off.
There are the original bearings in the headtube waiting.
Confusion begins with:

I know the Cane Creek part goes above the head tube, but it is the smaller item which is 2 pieces in fact on the left hand side that presumambly goes below the head tube that is an issue.
The lower inch of the steerer is slightly wider, that part does not want to go on :
To clarify it is :

the light coloured alloy part with the slot that will not seat into the black part.
Do I need to hammer this down?
Considering I didnt need to force it off, this is puzzling.
I am hoping that someone has installed a fork on a Allez recently probabnly inside 3 minutes and can give me some light on the matter,
cheers all
1. the lower bearings in the headtube connect with the crown race. Is there a crown race already on the steerer(at the very bottom)? If so thread the steerer through the headtube.

2.The metal bit with a slit in it is the compression ring which holds the steerer in a central position - this slides onto the steerer and down onto the bearings.

3.Then the top bit ( which holds the compression ring in place) goes on.

(the black ring may be the crown race if you haven't go one on the steerer or alternatively a washer that goes between the comprssion ring and top cap.)


New Member
Much obliged..... it was the compression ring that keeps things central and above the head tube that foxed me.
There is already a crown race fitted below as that does need to be thumped on and this was just a taking apart exercise and forgetting which part went where due to haste.
Fork back on.. well .. going to make sure sufficient grease in the bearings

many thanks again
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