all the gear and no idea! - heart rate monitor

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Virtual DBP

Active Member
Fife, Scotland
hi all,

can anyone tell me how to use my new heart rate monitor please???

bought a cheap halfords one (good review from bike radar) so it doesn't do much more than show current heart rate (i think). anyway, been online to get info how to use it but all i found was training zone calculators but no real explanation of what to do next.

my cycling consists of a 15 mile each way commute which i'd like to 1) be fitter so i can do it more often 2) do it a lot quicker than i currently manage (avg 55mins). i also do the odd charity cycle usualy between 50 - 100miles which i'd like to be fitter and stronger to cope with.

used the HRM today and I seemed to be in all the zones and at times on the way home my legs felt knackered but my heart rate wasn't that high.

so can anyone explain how i'm use my new toy and little knowledge of training zones



In between here and there
Did you have to put in any data about yourself? Age, Weight etc?

Heart rates vary but there are calculations on the net (type in maxium heart rate calculator), in general fat burning is at 50 -60% of your max heart rate and cardio workout takes place between 60 & 80%


CC Addict
I have the same HRM, you need to put your HR zones in as LOCO suggests.

Once you have done this, you need to start the training timer & it will show you the time in each zone & the Max HR

Virtual DBP

Active Member
Fife, Scotland
i'll spend some time with the instructions and add the details regarding zones, but where i'm not sure is how best to use this information.

for example, if i cycle in 3 days a week that means i'll do 3 x two 15mile runs. should i try to keep in the anearobic zone all the way into work and recovery zone all the way back one day. spend the next day fully in the aerobic zone and the last day in recovery zone?

i guess what i'm saying is i know the heart beat stuff (haven't put it in the watch) but what i don't know is how to use this information to get quicker


In between here and there
I use it as an indicator of how hard I am working. Every ride I try to keep in the "zone" which for me is 120 to 145 BPM and if I have averaged 120 on the 50 minute ride than I am happy. Flats and downhill it just drops like a stone

I started off on a basic HRM but went the whole hog with a suunto, kind for the same reasons as you. Suunto watches from the T4C upwards can be linked to other items that measure cadence MPH distance and even GPS. They store the data and you can upload to a pc or the movescount website.

The main reason I got it was "coach" mode and the TE rating. It rates your Total effort (TE) 1 to 5 and the coach tells you what day to train and for how long and the target TE. its useful for me as I am 45 overweight & unfit.

As an example in 57 mins I spent 40 inbeteen 120 and 145 and out of fivethat was rated as a 3.1 - improving so try and stay in your 60 - 80% zone for most of the trip to improve


New Member
Sevenoaks :(
I used to use mine alot for swimming to make sure I was putting the effort in and not cruising along. I don't use it for running as I never feel like I could do any less. You should use it for interval training. Something like 2 mins in a comfort zone (recovery) and 3 mins pushing it. As you get fitter these zones should move.
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