For me the advantage of these torch type lights is firstly they don't have a battery pack (I don't have room for one on the road bike), they take ordinary batteries you can get from the shop, and the
mount they sometimes come with allows them to be mounted above the bar and forward of my Garmin so I can access all the buttons. My hope 1 has to be underslung.
I got one of
these recently, and gave it a go the other night. I chose it as it has an illuminated ring giving good visibility from the side, although I've masked it on the top so as not to affect my night vision. It is very bright, not the same quality optics as the Hope, but a good compliment. The disadvantage was that with 3xAAA it quickly dimmed on full beam (after about 1hour) to be the same a low beam. I've ordered and extension section and some 18650 batteries (I know, not available in shops!) to get more use out of it.
I may have had a duff cell or they weren't as charged as I thought they were, but I suspect these torches are getting to the limits of the practical power available from 3xAAAs.