I find a lot less to stir my aggression while riding a recumbent compared with the disrespect you tend to get from other road users on a conventional bike, though I didn't get as much of that as some posters seem to get. Perhaps I'm just lucky not to live in a large town or city. That sort of thing is more likely to spoil my day than other road users'.
I don't see crashing as a regular feature to be accepted. I try and avoid it as much as possible. On the other hand, in life, shoot happens and if you don't end up with permanent damage you tend to absorb the experience and do better next time. When I was younger I could bounce. Now that I'm ancient, not so much.
I'm not particularly aggressive but I'm not passive either. I claim my road space but know when to back off too. Being in the right is no consolation if you end up under some motorised bozo's wheels.
Being assertive is more likely to give yourself and others a good day's experience on a bike as in many other spheres of life than being passive, aggressive, or passive-aggressive.