Aero pump mount for TT bike

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I'm after recommendations for a mount that will take a mini pump and attach to the vertical bidon mounts (seat tube) BUT be inline NOT out to the side, as most of these mounts are. I'd like to mount the mini pump on the bike for training and whip it off for events. I'm using these at the moment:

They do a semi decent job but are not ideal. I can't seem to find anywhere that sells what I'm after.

Anyone got any suggestions???
back pocket?
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Rule #30
No frame-mounted pumps.
Either Co2 cannisters or mini-pumps should be carried in jersey pockets (See Rule #31). The only exception to this rule is to mount a Silca brand frame pump in the rear triangle of the frame, with the rear wheel skewer as the pump mount nob, as demonstrated by members of the 7-Eleven and Ariostea pro cycling teams. As such, a frame pump mounted upside-down and along the left (skewer lever side) seat stay is both old skool and euro and thus acceptable. We restate at this time that said pump may under no circumstances be a Zefal and must be made by Silca. Said Silca pump must be fitted with a Campagnolo head. It is acceptable to gaffer-tape a mini-pump to your frame when no C02 cannisters are available and your pockets are full of spare kit and energy gels. However, the rider should expect to be stopped and questioned and may be required to empty pockets to prove there is no room in them for the pump.
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