Advice please - shared email/mail box options

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Well-Known Member
I'd appreciate some advice and recommendations please ^_^

I've just joined a local volunteer group. I was a little surprised to see that the volunteer group has all their personal emails and telephone numbers on view on an open website. I won't go into detail but I have commented that I don't think this is advisable due to the nature of the volunteering.

I have suggested that whilst it's ok to have our names listed, the contact hyperlink could direct to a simple shared email/mail box which we could all access and take it in turns to cover.

I don't have a lot of experience with this - any shared mailboxes I use are set up by my employer. Does anyone have experience of this or any recommendations. First one that springs to my mind is Google Groups.

Many thanks


Shared emails carry a risk of lack of ownership. You could get a rogue member sending questionable emails and unable to trace where they came from.

Pat "5mph"

A kilogrammicaly challenged woman
For my wee community gardening group I have set up a Gmail, then given the committee members the password.
Anyone with the password can read/reply to the mails.
It's great for giving the group a sort of official voice when applying for grants etc.
For chit chat or plans/activities, we have a What'sApp chat.
For members not in the committee/volunteers/general public, we have a Facebook page and a Facebook private group page.
I made it private so I don't have to worry about spammers.


Well-Known Member
Shared emails carry a risk of lack of ownership. You could get a rogue member sending questionable emails and unable to trace where they came from.
That's very true - I am not sure that we need to worry too much with the individuals in the small group doing anything inappropriate but you never know what goes on in some peoples minds, it's a really useful caution - thanks.

Can you not just set up personal emails that you only use for that group, or does everyone need access to everyone else's mails?
I think a certain degree of individual anonymity is advised for initial contact. At least until the contact is verified and genuine.

Thanks for all your advice so far - it's given me a lot of options to investigate.


All at sea⛵
Create a Gmail address.
Then add a +address using the name of the individual.
Then divert the email to the named individuals regular address.
Individuals then reply taking care to us the Gmail address.

Someone, reliable needs to "own" the email address and know the password.
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