advice needed for grip shifters

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Well-Known Member
Hi guys was wondering if you could help, I am fixing an old bike up for the wife's sister, 7 speed with grip shifters.I need to renew the cables and found a set of shimano 7 speed shifters (new) online for £2.99, so thought it was just as easy to fit the whole shifters.I was wondering as I have never fitted this type of shifter is there any secrets i should know like getting the handlebar grips off etc.Any help appreciated.

Was also wondering before I purchase for her, would i be better fitting ezfire shifters instead,a bit dearer but easier to maintain.


The actual grip just need brute force. The grip shifters there should be an anchor screw that you'll need to loosen.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Peeling the grip back and squirting a bit of WD40 under it will help loosen. I've done this a couple of times with no ill effects.

I doubt that trigger shifters will be any easier or harder to maintain than grip shifters. I use SRAM grip shifters on my bikes (personal preference) and, apart from the normal slight cable adjustments from time to time, have not needed to do any work on the shifters themselves.

I'd be inclined to say that if the cable is all that needs replacing why not just replace that? It's a lot less work.


Über Member
I've done this for a friend. At the price it's a reasonable and easy fix. As for removing old grips a thin electrical screw driver under the grip [centre outwards] WD can spout alongside it to get the spray right to the end, a twist and off it comes. As for fitting Ezfire shifters as above for maintenance but she may find them easier to use [I do] but each to their own on that one.


Well-Known Member
guys thanks for the replies,appreciated

Phil is it quite easy to replace the cables on grip shifters,its just that I cant find any info on you tube etc to replacing cables on grip twist shifters,the reason i thought ezfire as I have changed several cables on these quite easily enough and thought that the grip shifters could not be open without damage or knowledge of what you might damage


Swinging Member
West London
If your existing right/rear grip shifter is sram depending on the model it may be incompatible with a shimano shifter due to difference in cable pull. If you provide the make/model code it is likely an instruction can be found.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
guys thanks for the replies,appreciated

Phil is it quite easy to replace the cables on grip shifters,its just that I cant find any info on you tube etc to replacing cables on grip twist shifters,the reason i thought ezfire as I have changed several cables on these quite easily enough and thought that the grip shifters could not be open without damage or knowledge of what you might damage
Yes it's fairly easy. On the ones I have worked on the cable goes into a slot either in the brake lever end of the shifter or in the rotating bit.

You don't need to open them up to remove the cable but you may need a thin screwdriver or a bit of bent wire (a bent paperclip works well) just to flick the ferrule out. Once this is done the new cable goes in easier than the old one came out.

Do you know the make/model of the existing ones? We may be able to find some more detailed instructions from that.


Well-Known Member
thanks again for the post Phil, the wife's sister stays quite a distance away so cant look at them until the next time i visit but the info you have passed on has put me in the right direction on what to check for
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