Admin opening your letters

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Legendary Member
I agree, I had a supervisor who would open all the post addressed to me at work and then not even bother giving me it when he found out it wasn't work related ;)

Like you, got nothing to hide but it is rude.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It also might have something to do with the fact that I came back from A/L on Friday to find that 2 pairs of Endura socks had done the rounds of the office.

Next time, order a job lot of chinese finger traps and handcuffs with no keys and enjoy the sight of the whole workforce shackled together helplessly...
Started as IT Manager at current employer 10 years ago and was the first time I'd ever encountered this.

Chairman (owner) always arrived early to open the post and then pass it on to other directors. They nosed around and then distributed what they thought "suitable". Claimed it gave them a chance to "keep abreast of the situation". I think they just wanted to read The DP Managers Diary each week.

Chairman retired, passed company on to two kids who really think they have more important things to do. Post is still opened and orders, cheques, remittances etc are passed on asap.
I thought most mail is routinely opened with an envelope opening machine. It was in our place unless marked private or it was a parcel and you'd had a word with the postroom to say you were expecting something.

Pretty critical really, if invoices etc are addressed to someone off, they need dealing with, it's not your mail but your employers.


Put in the comments section on wiggle/crc:
"please put 'to be opened by addressee only' on parcel"
and they usually do.


New Member
I had a temp job several years ago for one of the government departments. I used to help out with the post. I was told anything marked private and confidential or addressee only was not to be opened and to be given to the addressee. Anything else was opened and then directed to the correct person or department.


Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK
Where I work all mail except that bearing specific internal privacy markings is opened in the mailroom and routed through line management. Receipt of personal mail is banned, though most reasonable managers would allow the odd item, particularly if the alternative were a half day off to wait for a delivery.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
This is still something I can't get used to.

It's not that I've got anything to hide, it just feels rude.

It also might have something to do with the fact that I came back from A/L on Friday to find that 2 pairs of Endura socks had done the rounds of the office.

As you're one of those 'weirdo' cyclists, I only think that it's fair that you're treated with suspicion.
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