Adjusting Gears

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South Coast
My gears keep slipping on my hybrid, rather than paying for someone to adjust this for me again, I thought I would give it a go myself.
I am generally useless at bike maintenance and even struggle to chain Tyres (I’m also giving this a go at the weekend – bought some 4 Seasons to get me thru winter)

I know there are countless You tube vids out there – but is it fairly easy to do, or do I run the risk or braking my bike???
Thanks for any help
Not sure what the question is. If you've looked at the vids, you will see how easy it is. It really is very simple...


Voice of the people
As Dusty says, it's not that hard. Find a good easy to follow vid on YouTube and sit there with your bike until you get it right.
You'll be surprised how little time it will take....good luck!


Probably the most difficult part is getting yourself to believe that you can do it. The vids are very good and plentiful.

If you are unable to have the video right beside you (or don't want greasy fingers on the keyboard xx(), write out what needs to be done, attach yourself to a screwdriver - and have a go.

As has been said already - it is easy :thumbsup:; you will be surprised that you managed it :ohmy:; you will feel right chuffed when you get it right ! :wahhey:

Take bold pill, grab screwdriver - GO ! ^_^

Oh - and check your chain for length too, while you are at it ... :smile:
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