Adding Aero Bars?

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Toying with the idea of adding a set, purely from a comfort point of view (back trouble). Is there any point, are they of any value - practical or otherwise?


Not sure they'd be any more comfortable than the hoods or bar tops unless they were set very high ala ultra-endurance cycling style (e.g. RAAM). Plus they look kinda silly on regular bikes IMO.


Über Member
I use them, I find them good for getting a little more power than you would usually in the drops riding into a headwind. I like them cause I can use them to give my wrists a rest when on long rides. I'm not sure about helping your back, depends if being in the drops helps your back as your body is more tucked up in an aero position. It's also worth noting that being in aero bars means your steering is alot more twitchy. Took me a few times to get used to it.


Banned member
South West
aero bars generally put more strain on your back, not less!

You'll also need to adjust your riding position (saddle forward and up; and shorter stem) and probably get a TT specific saddle. All this will make riding in a normal position impossible.

One bike cannot be in an aero position AND a normal position at the same time - it's one or the other!


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
Having ridden an audaxes with peeps who'd fitted them I cannot see any benefit to most cyclists. They are good for very fit TT riders who don't have any back problems and that's about it.

Some rides won't allow their use for the reason in #3.

I would have thought you want higher bars to help with back trouble.


Banned member
South West
higher bars and a shorter stem could help reduce back trouble - don't go too high and too short though!

Or perhaps try and sort your back trouble so that you can ride a normal bike (if it's fixable).


As long as I breathe, I attack.
You can get mini aero bars ( spinnaci ) and they are ok to be used on a road bike and they do give me at least a 1 mph boost, i found them to be ok on my road bike .I took them off atm as the sportive i am riding does not allow them.


I have recently went from a 58cm Secteur Sport (which I had put shorter stem on & raised bars) to a 57cm Bianchi 105/Ultegra C2C Via Nirone. I'm extremely happy with the Bianchi, eventhough strictly speaking I'd imagine it's the tinyest bit small for me, it's just once I hit 30 odd mile mark my back goes into melt down (I was on a hybrid last year and it was pretty much similar). On my last few spins I 've been stretching out and riding with my elbows on the hoods just to stretch myself out - hence the query if it may be a worthwhile exercise to get the aero bars as it does give me a bit of respite. It's not really about improving my speed or technique or anything like that.


Über Member
Get some at least you have the option for more riding positions. If you don't like them flog em. I like mine, you might get some prick who has to give his self a hernia to get passed you cause he sees youve got some on, but that's life! the end of the day there detachable, it doesn't have to be a permanent fixture.
I have back issues, and don't have any problems with the back - even in a TT. If anything, being upright on the hoods for the majority of rides gives me more trouble.

If anything aero bars give you extra options, and on a "casual ride" you wouldn't be on them that much at all, also nice to get down on them for gusty periods.

You also won't want to be using them in groups - no brakes.

These are good value £25+postage (free if over a certain amount) unlike some of the other cheap units, these are adjustable width and lenght, and you have 4 pad positions fore/aft and 2 pad positions left/right.


I'm back! Yippeee
:biggrin: ihave then fitted a love em they are more comfortable and give anothe position to ride in, groups hate em and have all sort of nonsence objections like cant reach the breaks erm yes i can just as quick as if im olding the tops of my bars! but when in groups i promis not to use them so i drop of the back and use em to rest my wrists its easy to catch up again, as for stability i have never had a problem but im sure someone has (theres allways one) i can also use the pads and ride in a situp and beg position to peek over hedges and stretch my back alll win win for me
I ride with my hands on the pads too, nice and soft :tongue:

I don't agree that its more or equally stable, any wobbles are going to be exagerated.


Über Member
It's perhaps worth remembering that these bars were invented for touring and not for going faster. They do provide respite for the shoulder and neck muscles when on a long tour if they are fitted correctly and need not be in the approved racing/lower position. I found them helpful when suffering from an old shoulder problem when anything over 60 miles was giving me pain.
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