A proper ding dong in my local rag

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Some 'interesting' attitudes being displayed in the comments ;)

Yes I heard about this primary position.

I too do not recall reading anywhere in the highway code about preventing people over taking you?

So cyclists want the following...

1) Everyone to respect a Primary Position, which does not yet exist in the highway code.

2) Cycle on pavements, you know, coz they deem it safe.

3) Slowly creep over red lights, you know, coz they deem it safe and are above the law.

4) Moan about there not being a cycle lane from the moment they leave there house all the way to work. It's disgusting.

Cyclists....quit your moaning....you are really boring us....
barnaby, G
Report abuse commented on 15-Jul-2009 13:37


Cycling in the sun
I suspect he probably hasn't heard about what size of a gap he should leave when passing a cyclist either.

PS. the linky doesn't seem to work though


Cycling in the sun
Works now... without knowing the correspondants but if its anything like the Bristol ones there are a couple of antagonists on there who seem to like winding each other up about bikes and every time bikes are mentioned in an article out they come to argue their respective blinkered corners.

In fact I went to check what was today's offering by them and a cyclist was knocked down by an ambulance. One quote from the comments:

Let's face it, people - cyclists are the scourge of the city and the bane of pedestrian and drivers' lives. They run red lights, race through pedestrian crossings (when people are crossing them!), have total disregard and disrespect for anyone other than themselves, weave in and out of pedestrians (how many cyclist/pedestrian collisions/injuries have I seen over the past year - oh, how I've lost count!). And they ring those stupid bells. And wear lycra. And eat lentils.
They're dangerous, they're a nuisance, and they're out of control. What worries me even more is the fact these self-important scrotes are being encouraged by the region's Cycling City status. As if we need any more of these cretins.



Cycling in the sun
Or there is another article about the Ghost bike that has appeared on the Portway and one comment is:
Burchells Green,, Speedwell

Nice comment given that the father of that ghost bike is likely to read itxx(.


Legendary Member
"Let's face it, people - cyclists are the scourge of the city and the bane of pedestrian and drivers' lives. They run red lights, race through pedestrian crossings (when people are crossing them!), have total disregard and disrespect for anyone other than themselves, weave in and out of pedestrians (how many cyclist/pedestrian collisions/injuries have I seen over the past year - oh, how I've lost count!). And they ring those stupid bells. And wear lycra. And eat lentils.
They're dangerous, they're a nuisance, and they're out of control. What worries me even more is the fact these self-important scrotes are being encouraged by the region's Cycling City status. As if we need any more of these cretins. "

Confirmation bias – check; fundamental attribution error – check; grade A twat – check.


Cycling in the sun
Actually there is yet a third bit to do with cycling today:


About hire bikes which has been criticised by cycle campaigners (and I can see why with few locations and nothing to stop vandalism).

and quotes from the comment section include:

So cycling campaigners are now criticising cycling initiatives as well? Is there no end to their whingeing?

Perhaps the council could do us all a favour and fix the new hire-bikes with breaks that are activated by traffic lights: that way they'll be doing an actual public service by teaching these self righteous cycling campaigners a thing or two.
Rob, Bedminster


Kim - From my own experience and speaking for myself, cyclists do not terrorise pedestrians, but as a general rule are considerate to pedestrians.

Kim. I bet you just drive around in your car ALL THE TIME getting fat? Sounds like you are the sort of person to do that to me. Tell me I'm wrong
(from one of the regular pro cycling wind up merchants)

If you ask me most of those people sound like they are about 8 and in the playground shouting taunts at each other.


Can't be bothered to read them all. Same bunch of selfish nutters.

What did you post on there linf?

Nothing on this story, but I did on one run a couple of days ago. Nothing more or less than I'd post here really.


Openly Marxist
very-near said:
Nothing on this story, but I did on one run a couple of days ago. Nothing more or less than I'd post here really.

So you banged on about yoghurt-knitters, wind farms that kill llamas and the uselessness of the entire public sector? I hate to break it to you, Linf, but that's unlikely to have persuaded a lot of cyclist-haters to change their tiny minds...


theclaud said:
So you banged on about yoghurt-knitters, wind farms that kill llamas and the uselessness of the entire public sector? I hate to break it to you, Linf, but that's unlikely to have persuaded a lot of cyclist-haters to change their tiny minds...

The problem as I see it is that more than a couple of yoghurt knitters here have taken up cycling as a vehicle for demonstrating their green credentials.
I personally don't like the hijack of cycling as it gives the impression that to cycle is to be someone who is actively 'saving the planet'.

I'd rather cycle because I like to.


New Member
very-near said:
The problem as I see it is that more than a couple of yoghurt knitters here have taken up cycling as a vehicle for demonstrating their green credentials.
I personally don't like the hijack of cycling as it gives the impression that to cycle is to be someone who is actively 'saving the planet'.

I'd rather cycle because I like to.

Classic linf, slag cyclists off but lack the courage to name them.

The Glouceshire story and all of you posts on this thread have nothing whatsoever to do with cycle campaigning.
Personally I haven't the foggiest how to 'knit' yoghurt - the first stumbling-block appears to be the threading-it-on-the-needles bit. Perhaps someone can furnish me with a pattern and instructions? ;):biggrin::biggrin:

And many different thoughts go through my head, whilst I'm cycling. Some of them are private and not for this forum. Sometimes - yes - I do think about 'saving the planet' - why shouldn't I? Sometimes I look at my surroundings and think, what a wretched planet we live on. Sometimes: quite the opposite, I think, there are still beautiful things to see on this world of ours (I passed a good number of butterflies on the wing, on today's ride). Why shouldn't I?

As to this clutch of people who seem to make a career out of indiscriminately slanging off cyclists on the 'comments' columns - are they a threat: do they cause damage? I suppose it depends how much words translate into actions, or whether words alone are harmful. "Stick and stones...." - or is it?


New Member
I don't condone RLG but it seems to me the usual drivers' rant about cyclists passing through red lights is only because they cannot do it without risking getting points and a fine

A bit rich for a motorist to tar all cyclists with the same brush. Do we not always hear about drivers always whinging on about the enforcement of speeding laws and parking regulations? The wailing and gnashing of teeth when God forbid another enforcement camera goes up? Or God forbid you should get a parking fine for parking where you shouldn't park. The speed limits are routinely ignored people think they have the God given right to drive at whatever speed they see fit.

I am cyclist and a motorist and much prefer cycling. Drivers are always banging on about the cost of fuel and the cost of motoring but isn't it the case that most journeys are are only about 2 miles in distance? Remember reading that but cannot remember the source. We as a nation have become lazy and soft. We cannot cycle or walk two miles? No driver sitting in traffic can complain about congestion because they are contributing to the problem.

I always see drivers as a frustrated lot. You cannot drive anywhere in this country without sitting in queues. Whether queueing at lights, getting in to the supermarket carpark - sitting in the car losing the will to live on a nice sunny bank holiday, because everyone had the same idea of going to the beach/countryside as you. Is exactly why i took up cycling. You can moan and whinge about it and blame others or try take control of your life and do something about it.

For me cycling is the logical intelligent choice.
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