Over The Hill
- Location
- Ridden off into the sunset
My broadband provider TOPLETTER.COM recently sent me a letter saying they had a computer error and had not taken 11 of the last 12 monthly payments and I owed them £186.89.
I was made redundant six months ago and get nothing in the way of support. I wrote back and offered to double the monthly rate they take until it is clear. In my circumstances I thought this was reasonable. They phoned me up and said "cant I do it over a shorter period". I explained my situation and that I have no money and they said they would get back to me.
Today I have just had a Notice Before Proceedings to take me to court unless I pay it all within seven days.
Is it me or are they being unreasonable?
I am now stuck with a dilemma that they probably can suspend my service which will lose me my email address (which I cant allow as it may lose me a job offer or something).
So I am really stuck with having to find the money and paying it.
Any other suggistions?
I was made redundant six months ago and get nothing in the way of support. I wrote back and offered to double the monthly rate they take until it is clear. In my circumstances I thought this was reasonable. They phoned me up and said "cant I do it over a shorter period". I explained my situation and that I have no money and they said they would get back to me.
Today I have just had a Notice Before Proceedings to take me to court unless I pay it all within seven days.
Is it me or are they being unreasonable?
I am now stuck with a dilemma that they probably can suspend my service which will lose me my email address (which I cant allow as it may lose me a job offer or something).
So I am really stuck with having to find the money and paying it.
Any other suggistions?