^wot he said. And buy the best you can afford so you don't end up buying twice.The problem with buying tools in one "complete" kit is that different makes/models of bike gear need different tools. You end up either missing bits you need, or paying for tools you'll never use.
I prefer to pick up tools when I need them, usually from eBay.
I bought the ice toolz kit as a great starting point with the intent of adding to it and\or replacing bits as I wore them out, purely so I had the tools when I needed them instead of a few days afterwards. I've only needed to add a cable cutter and chainring bolt spanner since and the tools are of surprisingly good quality, but whenever I need to replace anything then Park will be bought as they are reknowned for being among the best quality. Pricey though.
A similiar kit is http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=40997
The links do not seem to work
My local bike shop sells individual tools as you require them ie spoke tool or bottom bracket removal tool etc,if you have a few bits of tools, seems like more sense buying what you need
Or just 'tool kit'They both work fine for me.
But you can go to both Evans Cycles and Chain Reaction and put in Ice Toolz in their search boxes.
nah !!that lot won't fit in my saddle bag,i will get stuff as i need it a chat and sound advice,and getting new parts and a cup of tea at the cycle shop,i have more under used tools in my workshop already,saying that ,a good set of spanners, sockets etc has lasted me 25 years its just the specialist sockets and keys i get as i need ,unless its road side it isn't urgentThat's just it! You won't always know what you need until it's urgent.
Having a good set of general tools is advisable.