9 Speed Cassette with 10-speed Tiagra BR-4600??

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Man or Moose!
Mixing of 10 spd and 9 spd shifters/cassettes does not sound correct no. A 10 speed shifter should be run with 10 speed cassettes only.
It can't work as there is a 0.4mm difference in the pull between 9spd and 10 spd.

Check the clicks on the r/h lever - 9 for 10spd and 8 for 9 spd.


Active Member
Just had another look... the shifters are clearly labelled as Tiagra 10 Speed, and all the installation docs that came with the bike are for 4600 series kit. If I adjust the high limit on the rear derailleur I also get 9 clicks, the 9th of which pushes the chain off the last gear.

On the biggest gear the chain meshes with the gear towards the outside and on the smallest towards the inside. Just looking at it by eye it the offset doesn't look large enough to explain the difference in pull (3.2mm).

I have pictures if you want a look!
I've heard that you can bodge a fix by an alternate routing of the cable to the rear mech - perhaps that's what they have done.

However - you now have an answer to your Q - yes a 10speed cassette will be ok.
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